Penulis Utama : Nur Hamsih
NIM / NIP : C0306041
× The Research Was Conducted To Describe The Politeness Strategies Employed By The Characters In The Movie Entitled X-Men First Class For Issuing Requestive, And The Factors Influenced The Characters Employ The Requestive And The Responses Given By The Addressee. The Researcher Used Descriptive Qualitative Research. It Employed Purposive Sampling Technique. All Dialog Containing Requestive Were Taken As Data. There 15 Data Representing The Criteria. The Data Were Analyzed By Using Brown And Levinson’ Theory Of Politeness. From The Analysis, The Researcher Found The Following Results: There Are Three Strategies Employed By The Characters In The Movie X Men-First Class To Extend Requestive. They Are Bald On Record Strategy, Positive Politeness Strategy And Off Record. In Responding The Requestive Of The Speakers, The Characters In The Movie X-Men First Class Use Three Strategies. The Strategies Are Bald On Record, Positive Politeness And Off Record Strategy. There Are Three Factors Which Influence The Speakers To The Choice Of The Strategies Of Extending Requestive. They Are Close Relationship, The Legitimate Power And The Expert Power. The Choice Of Strategy Of Responses Is Influenced By The Relative Power, The Close Relationship And Situational Factor. From The Result, It Is Expected That The Research Will Give An Input To The Readers In Studying Requestive Dealing With Politeness. It Is Suggested That Other Researchers Analyze The Employments Of Requestive With Different Ways.
Penulis Utama : Nur Hamsih
Penulis Tambahan : 1.
NIM / NIP : C0306041
Tahun : 2014
Judul : An Analysis Of Requestive As Politeness Strategy In The Movie Entitled X-Men First Class (2011) (Socio-Pragmatic Study)
Edisi :
Imprint : Surakarta - F.SSR - 2014
Program Studi : S-1 Sastra Inggris
Kolasi :
Sumber : UNS-F.SSR Jur.Sastra Inggris-C0306041-2014
Kata Kunci :
Jenis Dokumen : Skripsi
Link DOI / Jurnal : -
Status : Public
Pembimbing : 1. Prof. Dr. Djatmika, M.A
Penguji :
Catatan Umum :
Fakultas : Fak. Sastra dan Seni Rupa
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