Penulis Utama : Hana Dyah Merina
NIM / NIP : S8913020
× This research is intended to reveal whether Team Sentence technique is more effective than Free Writing technique to teach writing, the seventh grade students with high self-concept have better writing skill than those with low self-concept, and whether there is an interaction between the teaching techniques and the students’ self-concept in teaching writing. This experimental research was conducted in SMP Negeri 20 Surakarta in the academic year of 2013/2014. The population of this research was the seventh grade students which were grouped into eight classes. Each class consisted of 30 students. Since the population was grouped into classes, the sampling applied was cluster random sampling. Then, the research sample was two classes which were taken randomly. They were VII D and VII F which played as control class and experimental class successively. To obtain the data of the students’ writing score, a writing test was used and a close questionnaire was used to obtain the data of students’ self-concept. Then, those data were analyzed through descriptive and inferential analysis using ANOVA and Tukey test. The research findings are as follows: (1) the students taught by using Team Sentence have better writing skill than those taught by using Free Writing technique, (2) both students with high self-concept and students with low self-concept have similar writing achievement, (3) there is an interaction between teaching techniques and the students’ self-concept in teaching writing for the seventh grade students. Based on the research finding, it can be concluded that Team Sentence is more effective than Free Writing to teach writing. It indicates that the choice of teaching technique plays an important role in teaching writing. Thus, it is suggested that in order to get maximum result on students’ writing skill, a teacher needs to deeply understand teaching technique procedures so that she can build supportive learning environment, particularly for students with high self-concept. Besides, the future researchers are expected to develop some dimensions which have not been developed in this research such as different students’ population or students’ interest.
Penulis Utama : Hana Dyah Merina
Penulis Tambahan : -
NIM / NIP : S8913020
Tahun : 2014
Judul : Team sentence: changing students’ writing skill Viewed from self-concept (An experimental study at the seventh grade of SMP Negeri 20 Surakarta in the Academic Year of 2013/2014)
Edisi :
Imprint : Surakarta - Pascasarjana - 2014
Program Studi : S-2 Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris
Kolasi :
Sumber : UNS-Pascasarjana Prodi. Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris-S. 8913020-2014
Kata Kunci :
Jenis Dokumen : Tesis
Link DOI / Jurnal : -
Status : Public
Pembimbing : 1. Dr. Abdul Asib, M.Pd.
2. Dr. Ngadiso, M.Pd.
Penguji :
Catatan Umum :
Fakultas : Sekolah Pascasarjana
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