Penulis Utama : Abdul Haris Setiawan-
NIM / NIP : 19800324200501100

This study aims to (1) understand the influence of learning by the lecturer
to student learning outcomes (2) know the size of the campus learning
environment influence on learning outcomes, (3) know the level influence student
participation in learning on learning outcomes, (4) know the level of influence
student study habits on learning outcomes and (5) know the size of the effect of
learning, the campus learning environment, student participation and student
study habits together toward student learning outcomes.
The study population are students of PTB JPTK UNS FKIP following
computer applications course 2008/2009 academic year as many as 41 people.
The sample used was all populations. The data was collected using a
questionnaire. The data analysis technique used is regression analysis.
The results found that: (1) there are no significant positive effect between
learning by the lecturer (X1) on learning outcomes (Y) with correlation coefficient
of 0.251, and the effective contribution of 6.3%, (2) there is positive and
significant correlation between environmental learning campus (X2) on learning
outcomes (Y) with correlation coefficient of 0.778 and effective contribution of
60.6%, (3) there is positive and significant correlation between student
participation (X3) on learning outcomes (Y) with correlation coefficient of 0.755
and effective contribution 57.0%, (4) there is positive and significant correlation
between students' learning habits (X4) on learning outcomes (Y) with correlation
coefficient of 0.829 and effective contribution of 68.8%, and (5) there is positive
and significant correlation between the variables X1, X2, X3 and X4 to Y with
correlation coefficient of 0.844 and effective contribution of 71.2

Penulis Utama : Abdul Haris Setiawan
Penulis Tambahan : -
NIM / NIP : 19800324200501100
Tahun : 2011
Judul : Pembelajaran, Lingkungan Belajar Kampus, Partisipasi Mahasiswa dan Kebiasaan Belajar Sebagai Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Hasil Belajar Mahasiswa
Edisi :
Imprint : Surakarta - UNS-F.KIP - 2011
Program Studi : -
Kolasi :
Sumber : Prosiding Seminar Nasional FKIP
Kata Kunci :
Jenis Dokumen : Artikel Prosiding
Link DOI / Jurnal : -
Link Dokumen : -
Status : Public
Pembimbing :
Penguji :
Catatan Umum : Kumpulan Makalah Seminar Nasional FKIP UNS dengan Tema :
Internalisasi Pendidikan Karakter untuk Meningkatkan Kompetensi Kepribadian Pendidik dan Peserta Didik, Solo 8 Mei 2011
ISBN 978-979-1533-85-0
Penulis adalah pengajar pada Prodi PTB JPTK FKIP UNS
Email :
Fakultas : Fak. KIP
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