Penulis Utama : Ivana Puspa Nika Nova
NIM / NIP : C0309035

This research focuses on interrogative utterances and the translation of interrogative utterances in the movie entitled The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 1. The aims of this research are to find out (1) The types of the interrogative utterances; (2) The translation techniques which are applied in translating the interrogative utterances and (3) The translation quality in terms of accuracy and acceptability.
This research employs a descriptive-qualitative method. This research applies purposive sampling technique in determining source of data. The source of data is the movie entitled The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 1. There are two types of source of data in this research, which are: (1) Documents: the dialogue script and the subtitle and (2) Informants consisting of three raters who assessed the quality of the translation. The data of this research are the interrogative utterances found in the movie entitled The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 1, the translation of the interrogative utterances and the information about translation quality gained from the informants. This research used a closed-ended questions and open-ended questions.
The findings of the research as follows: (1) The types of the interrogative utterances found in the movie entitled: The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 1 are the interrogatives based on structural form: are yes/no question and wh-question; and the interrogatives based on the functions: real question and rhetorical question; (2) The translation techniques used by the translator are 4 single techniques and 19 technique combinations applied to translate interrogative utterances. The single techniques are transfer, paraphrase, condensation, and expansion (3) The result of the quality translation are 89.77% data are categorized into accurate translations; 10.23% data are categorized into less accurate translations; 87.5% data categorized into acceptable translation; and 12.5% data are categorized into less acceptable. The most dominant technique which produces accurate translations is transfer. Meanwhile decimation plus transfer is the most dominant technique which produces less accurate translations. The most dominant technique which produces acceptable translations is transfer. Meanwhile, the most dominant technique which produces less acceptable translations is imitation plus paraphrase.
This research is intended to bring benefits for students, the translator of the movie, and other researchers who are interested in studying interrogative utterances.
This research can be used as reference or to give additional information about the translation of interrogative utterances in movies.
Keywords: interrogative utterances, fiction movie, types of interrogative utterances, translation techniques, translation quality, politeness theory.