Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah (1) Mengkaji bagaimana proses spasial penggunaan lahan di perkebunan teh Jamus Kabupaten Ngawi tahun 1990-2010; (2) Mengkaji faktor-faktor yang menjadi penyebab perubahan penggunaan lahan perkebunan teh Jamus secara fisik dan sosial di Kabupaten Ngawi tahun 1990-2010.
Metode penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif dengan analisis proseskeruangan. Subyek penelitian ini adalah perkebunan teh Jamus di Kabupaten Ngawi kurun waktu tahun 1990, 2000, dan 2010. Populasi penelitian ini adalah seluruh komponen fisik dan sosial tenaga kerja perkebunan teh Jamus 583 orang.Teknik pengumpulan data penelitian ini adalah pengecekan lapangan, wawancara, observasi, studi dokumentasi, dan peta perkebunan teh Jamus tahun 1990, 2000, dan 2010.
Hasil penelitian ini adalah selama tahun 1990-2010 di perkebunan teh Jamus telah terjadi proses spasial perubahan luasan lahan yaitu : (1) Lahan berbatu (82,706 Ha) terletak di Desa Wonosari, Desa Girikerto, dan Desa Hargomulyo; (2) Tanaman teh (47,047 Ha) terletak di Desa Wonosari, dan Desa Girikerto. Sementara itu, proses spasial penambahan luasan terjadi pada penggunaan lahan : (1) Tanaman teh (82,706 Ha) terletak di Desa Wonosari, Desa Girikerto, dan Desa Hargomulyo; (2) Gardupolo (3,332 Ha) terletak di Desa Girikerto; Hutan lindung (39,879 Ha) terletak di Desa Wonosari, Desa Girikerto, dan Desa Hargomulyo; (4) Pembibitan teh (3,297 Ha) terletak di Desa Girikerto; (5) PLTMH (0,539 Ha) terletak di Desa Girikerto.Faktor-faktor yang mendorong perubahan penggunaan lahan di perkebunan teh Jamus tahun 1990-2010 secara fisik & sosial adalah : (1) Rencana Tapak (Site Plan) Kawasan Wisata Lereng Gunung Lawu; (2) Program Penanaman Sejuta Pohon Pelindung; (3) Pemadatan Populasi Teh; (4) Pengurangan Tenaga Kerja; (5) Kebutuhan Listrik.
Kata Kunci:Proses Spasial, Fisik, Sosial, Perkebunan Teh.
The objectives of this research are to study: (1) the spatial process of the land use in Jamus tea plantation in Ngawi Regency in 1990-2010; (2) and the factors that cause the physical and social changes in the land use of Jamus tea plantation physically and socially in Ngawi Regency in 1990-2010.
This research used the descriptive qualitative method with the spatial process analysis. The subject of research was Jamus tea plantation in Ngawi Regency in the periods of 1990, 2000, and 2010. The population of research was all of the physical and social components of 583 employees of Jamus tea plantation. The data of research were collected through field check, in-depth interview, observation, documentation analysis and map analysis of Jamus tea plantation in 1990, 2000, and 2010.
The result of research shows that during 1990-2010, the spatial process of land area changes took place, namely: (1) rocky land area (82.706 Ha) located in Wonosari village, Girikerto village, and Hargomulyo village; and (2) tea plant area (47.047 Ha) located in Wonosari village and Girikerto village.Meanwhile, the spatial process of area expansion took place in the use of lands for: (1) Tea plants (82.706 Ha) located in Wonosari village, Girikerto village, and Hargomulyo village; (2) Gardupolo tourism site (3.332 Ha) located in Girikerto village; protected forests (39.879 Ha) located in Wonosari village, Girikerto village, and Hargomulyo village; (4) tea nursery (3.297 Ha) located in Girikerto village; (5) micro hydro power plant(0.539 Ha) located in Girikerto village. The factors which encourage the physical and social changes in the land use of Jamus tea plantation in 1990 – 2010 were: (1) Site Plan ofTourism Region of the Slope of Mount Lawu; (2) One million-Protective-Tree Planting Program; (3) tea population compaction; (4) manpower reduction; and (5) electricity need.
Keywords: Spatial process, physical, social, tea palantation.