Latar Belakang: Konsep mahasiswa unggul adalah mahasiswa yang seimbang baik hard skill, soft skill, dan juga spiritualnya. Hard skill dapat diperoleh melalui kegiatan perkuliahan sedangkan softskill dan spiritual dapat diperoleh melalui kegiatan ekstrakurikuler, sehingga mahasiswa perlu mengikuti kegiatan ekstrakurikuler disamping kegiatan perkuliahan. Namun banyak asumsi yang menganggap dengan aktif berorganisasi dapat memengaruhi prestasi akademik. Kurangnya waktu belajar yang tersedia karena kegiatan organisasi dapat memengaruhi prestasi akademik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis perbedaan nilai ujian blok berdasarkan keaktifan berorganisasi mahasiswa Program Studi Kedokteran Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta.
Metode: Penelitian ini bersifat observasioanl analitik dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Sampel berjumlah 150 mahasiswa Program Studi Kedokteran Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Sebelas Maret angkatan 2012 yang diambil dengan teknik random sampling. Setiap responden diberi satu lembar informed consent dan kuesioner keaktifan berorganisasi. Kuesioner keaktifan berorganisasi berisi 20 pertanyaan dengan jawaban pilihan ganda untuk menggolongkan tingkat keaktifan berorganisasi mahasiswa. Data nilai ujian blok mahasiswa didapat dari pihak Fakultas Kedokteran. Data hasil penelitian diuji dengan uji t-Test Independent.
Hasil: Terdapat 98 mahasiswa aktif berorganisasi dan 52 mahasiswa yang tidak aktif berorganisasi. Mahasiswa yang aktif berorganisasi memiliki nilai rata-rata sebesar
62,44, sedangkan mahasiswa yang tidak aktif berorganisasi memiliki nilai rata-rata sebesar 63,85. Hasil uji t-Test Independent menunjukkan p = 0,240 (p > 0,05).
Simpulan: Tidak terdapat perbedaan nilai ujian blok berdasarkan keaktifan berorganisasi mahasiswa Program Studi Kedokteran Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta.
Kata kunci: keaktifan berorganisasi, nilai ujian blok
Aulia Muhammad Fikri, G0011045, 2015. The Difference of Block Exam Scores Based on Student’s Organization Activities in Faculty of Medicine Sebelas Maret University. Mini Thesis, Faculty of Medicine, Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta.
Background: The concept of great student is student who have hard skill, soft skill, and spiritual as well. Hard skills can be acquired through lectures activities while the soft skills and spiritual can be acquired through extracurricular activities, so student needs to join extracurricular activities in addition to lectures activities. However, a lot of people think that active in organization can affect academic achievment. Lack of time due to organization activites can affect academic achievment. This study aimed to analyze the difference of block exam scores based on student’s organization activities in Faculty of Medicine Sebelas Maret University.
Method: This study was an observational analytic study with cross sectional approach. One hundred and fifty students of Faculty of Medicine Sebelas Maret University class of 2012 were randomly selected by simple random sampling technique. Each respondent was given informed consent and organization activities questionnaire. The organizational activity questionnaire consist of 20 question with multiple choice answer options to characterize level of student’s organization activities. Block exam scores were obtained from medical faculty. The data were analyzed with Independent t-Test.
Result: Ninety eight student were active in organizations and 52 students were not active in organizations. Average score of student who were active at organization was 62,44. While average score of student who were not active at organization was 63,85. The result of Independent t-Test was p = 0.240 (p > 0.05).
Conclusion: There was no difference of block exam score based on student’s
organization activities in Faculty of Medicine Sebelas Maret University.
Keywords: organization activities, block exam scores