The objective of this research is to describe:(1) types of teacher talk; (2) types of student talk; (3)the patterns of teaching-learning interaction; and (4)the factors affecting teaching-learning interaction in the classroom.
This research was carried out through a case study. It was conducted in two classes with two English teachers and thirty-nine students in the tenth grade students of AKS 1 and AKS 3 of SMA Negeri 3 Surakarta from September to October 2014. The data were observation, interview, and documentation. The data, then, were analyzed through the synthesis of interaction analysis systems.
The findings of this research show: (1) the teachers produced almost all types of teacher talk. Asking questions,lecturing or giving information,giving directions, repeating student’s response verbatim, and praising and encouraging were the types of teacher talk which frequently occurred in the classroom; (2) the students also produced almost all types of student talk in learning process. Student talk-response (specific) and student talk-response (choral) were mostly used by them. The percentage of interaction between teacher talk and student talk were almost equal. In accelerated class 1, teacher talk got 51.8% and student talk got 41.9%. Meanwhile in accelerated class 3, teacher talk got 54.4% and student talk got 45.6%; (3)The teaching-learning activities in the classroom emerged some patternsof interaction between teacher and student(s) and student(s) and student(s). They were the patterns of group work, choral responses, closed-ended teacher questioning (Initiation-Response-Feedback), individual work, student initiates-teacher answers, open-ended teacher questioning, and collaboration; and (4) the teaching-learning interaction was not always running well because there were some internal and external factors affecting it such as lack of confidence, feeling of inferior, lack of motivation, lack of vocabulary mastery, teacher’s teaching style, lesson material, and classroom environment.
Considering the results of this research, it can be concluded that the use of teacher talk and student talk is almost balanced during teaching and learning process. It is important for teachers toprovide interactive and communicative teaching-learning activities to involve more interaction and participation from the students. It is also advisable for English teachers to consider the factors that might affect the teaching-learning interaction in the classroom.
Keywords: classroom interaction, student talk, teacher talk, case study.