Latar Belakang : Angka kejadian atau incidence rate demam thypoid pada balita di negara berkembang seperti Indonesia masih mencapai 500/100.000 penduduk dengan angka kematian yang tinggi. RSUD Sukoharjo di tahun 2014 telah merawat sebanyak 337 pasien balita dengan 26,1% adalah balita sakit dengan demam thypoid.
Tujuan : Untuk mempelajari dan memahami asuhan kebidanan pada kasus demam thypoid di RSUD Sukoharjo secara komprehensif.
Metode : Observasional deskriptif dengan pendekatan studi kasus. Subjek penelitian balita A dengan demam thypoid. Tempat: RSUD Sukoharjo. Cara pengambilan data melalui wawancara, observasi langsung dan studi dokumen rekam medik. Analisis data dilakukan secara deskriptif berdasarkan 7 langkah Varney.
Hasil : Balita A datang dengan keluhan panas sejak 7 hari yang lalu, mual, muntah dan tidak nafsu makan. Titer S.Thypi O dalam darah 1/280. Pasien diberikan terapi simptomatik dan antibiotik selama 4 hari. Kondisi pasien membaik ditandai dengan KU baik, kesadaran composmetis, anak tidak demam dalam 24 jam terakhir, nafsu makan membaik.
Kesimpulan : Terdapat kesenjangan berupa tidak dilakukan observasi intake/output dan pemantauan gejala laboratoris serta pemeriksaan laboratorium hanya dilakukan pada hari pertama pasien dirawat.
Kata kunci: Asuhan Kebidanan, Balita Sakit, Demam Thypoid
Background : In developed country such as Indonesia, the incidence rate of the typhoid fever in the five year old toddler or less still reached 500 per 100.000 population with high mortality rate. Local General Hospital of Sukohar join 2014 had treated 337 toddler patients, of which 26.1% had typhoid fever.
Objective : To study and understand the midwifery care on the typhoid fever case in Local General Hospital of Sukoharjo, comprehensively.
Method : This research used the observational descriptive research with the case study approach. The subject of the research was toddler A with typhoid fever. The research location was Local General Hospital of Sukoharjo. The data were gathered through interview, direct observation, and document review of medical record. The data were analyzed descriptively based on the seven measures claimed by Varney.
Result : Toddler A came, complaining of seven days fever, nausea, vomiting, and lost of appetite. Titer S. Typhi O in the blood was 1/280. The patien was given the symptomatic and antibiotic therapie for four days. The patient condition got better, which was marked by good general condition, compos mentis, no fever in the last 24 hour, and better appetite.
Conclusion : There was a gap, in which the intake/output observation was not performed and the monitoring of the laboratory symptom and laboratory examination were only carried out in the first day of the treatment.
Keywords: Midwifery Care, Ill Toddler, Typhoid Fever