The purposes of this research are (1) to find out the techniques applied by the translator to translate cultural terms found in the book entitled Batik Pengaruh Zaman dan Lingkungan and in the translation version: Batik The Impact Of Time And Environment, (2) to describe how the techniques influence the translation quality in terms of accuracy and acceptability in the book entitled Batik Pengaruh Zaman dan Lingkungan and in the translation version Batik The Impact Of Time And Environment.
This research is a descriptive qualitative. A purposive sampling technique was employed in this research. The data are all words and phrases containing cultural terms in the book Batik Pengaruh Zaman dan Lingkungan and in the translation version Batik The Impact Of Time And Environment. The total data of cultural terms in the book Batik Pengaruh Zaman dan Lingkungan and its English version Batik the Impact Of Time And Environment are 38 numbers.
The analysis on the translation techniques shows that there are 3 techniques applied in translating batik cultural terms. The techniques are: translation by cultural substitution (6 data), translation using loan word or loan word plus explanation (24 data), and translation by illustration (18 data).The analysis on the translation accuracy shows that there are 19 data (50%) are accurate, 19 data (50%) are less accurate, and 0 data (0%) is inaccurate. The analysis on the translation acceptability shows that there are 15 data (39,47%), 21 data (55,26%) are less acceptable, and 2 data (5,26%) are unacceptable.
Based on the analysis, it shows that the technique resulting with high degree of accuracy is translation by illustration while the one resulting in less accurate translation is translation using loan word or loan word plus explanation and there is no inaccurate in that data. The technique resulting in acceptable translation is translation by illustration, while the one resulting in less acceptable translation is translation using loan word or loan word plus explanation, and unacceptable is translation by cultural submission