Tujuanpenelitianiniadalahuntuk mengetahui peningkatanmutupelayanandi BLK Kabupaten MagelangdenganMetodeQuality Function Deployment(QFD) dalam upaya untuk memperbaiki pelayanannya khususnya di bidang otomotif.
Penelitianinidilakukan di BLK Kabupaten Magelang, ProvinsiJawa Tengah.Penelitianinibersifat survey dengan sampelpenelitansebanyak48 respondendengantotal sampling. Teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini melalui wawancara (interview), observasi, penyebaran angket (kuesioner), studi pustaka, dan dokumentasi. Pengujianhipotesismenggunakanujiperbedaanduareratauji t pihakkanandengantarafsignifikansi 5%.
Hasilpenelitianinibahwa: 1) Peningkatanmutupelayanandi BLK Kabupaten MagelangdenganMetodeQuality Function Deployment (QFD)melalui 18 suarakonsumen (voice of customer). Dari 18 suaraini, berdasarkanhasilnormalisasi CRS dapatdiketahuiterdapat 5 nilaipersentasetertinggi yaitu 12,6%;11,4%;11,3%;9,3%; dan 9,3%. Kelima ini masing-masing adalah: Penataan ruangan yang teratur, tenaga pengajar yang kompeten, tersedia layanan selama jam kerja, kerapian dan kebersihan tenaga pengajar, dan jadwal pelatihan dilaksanakan tepat waktu, 2) Beberapahal yang perludipertimbangkanlembagasebagaitechnical requirementuntukmeningkatkanpelayanankeamananpesertapelatihanterjamin, pelayananpelanggantercapai, tenagapengajarterlihatrapi, profesionalismepegawai, target tercapaitepatwaktu, 3) Berdasarkan QFD bahwatarget yang harus dipenuhi untukmeningkatkanmutupelayananadalah profesionalisme pegawai (1,305), Kemudahan konsumen memperoleh informasi (1,269), Kerapian karyawan (1,21), Profesionalisme tenaga pengajar (1,208), dan Pelayanan pelanggan tercapai (1,18).
Lembaga perlu membuat tolok ukur kinerja yang lebih jelas setiap awal tahun,dimana kinerja tersebut sangat berkaitan dengan pengukuran tingkat kepentingan. Adanya tolok ukur yang jelas diharapkan lembagamampu bersaing dengan lembaga yang lain. Dan juga lembaga perlu melakukan evaluasi dan monitoring terhadap hasil lulusan secara periodik. Monitoring yangdilakukan dapat menyimpulkan secara dini apakah penempatan lulusan sesuai dengan kualitas yang diinginkan konsumen.
Kata kunci : mutu pelayanan,Peningkatan mutu,QFD
The purpose of this study was to determine the improvement of service quality in BLK Magelang regency. The method of Quality Function Deployment (QFD) in an effort to improve its services, especially in the automotive field.
This research was conducted in BLK Magelang, Central Java Province. This study is a survey with a sample of 48 respondents research with a total sampling. Data collection techniques in this research through interviews, observation, questionnaire, literature, and documentation. Hypothesis testing using t-test mean difference in the two right hands with a significance level of 5%.
The results of this study that: 1) Improving the quality of service in Magelang regency BLK the method of Quality Function Deployment (QFD) through 18 consumer voice (voice of customer). Of 18 votes, based on the results of the CRS normalization can be seen there are 5 highest percentage values of 12.6%; 11.4%; 11.3%; 9.3%; and 9.3%. This fifth respectively are: Structuring a regular room, teachers are competent, service is available during business hours, neatness and cleanliness of the teachers, and the training schedule implemented on time, 2) Some things to consider institutions as technical requirements to improve service trainee security is guaranteed, the customer service is reached, teachers look neat, professional employees, the target is reached on time, 3) Based on QFD that the targets to be met to improve the quality of service is the professionalism of employees (1,305), Ease of consumers to obtain information (1,269), neatness of employees (1,21), professionalism of teachers (1,208), and the customer service is reached (1.18).
Institutions need to create performance benchmarks clearer beginning of each year, where the performance is related to the measurement of the level of interest and the level of interest. The existence of a clear criterion of expected institutions to compete with other institutions. And also institutions need to evaluate and monitor the results of periodic graduates. Monitoring is done early to conclude whether the placement of graduates in accordance with the desired quality of the consumer.
Keywords: quality service, quality Improvement,QFD