Latar belakang: Akseptor KB suntik di Indonesia sebanyak 14.736.917 (48,13%). Di puskesmas Sangkrah suntik cyclofem tercatat 126 akseptor, suntik cyclofem dengan amenorea sejumlah 11 akseptor (8,73%).
Tujuan: Untuk mempelajari dan memahami asuhan kebidanan keluarga berencana pada akseptor suntik cyclofem dengan amenorea di Puskesmas Sangkrah Surakarta secara komprehensif.
Metode: Observasional deskriptif dengan pendekatan studi kasus. Subjek penelitian akseptor suntik cyclofem dengan amenorea. Tempat di Puskesmas Sangkrah Surakarta. Pengambilan data melalui wawancara, observasi langsung, dan studi dokumen rekam medik. Analisis data secara deskriptif berdasar 7 langkah Varney.
Hasil: Ny.R akseptor suntik cyclofem mengeluh tidak menstruasi selama 3 bulan. Palpasi abdomen tidak teraba massa. Klien diberikan informasi penyebab amenorea dan terapi linestrenol 0,5 mg 2x1 selama 7 hari kemudian klien mengalami menstruasi. Terdapat kesenjangan yaitu tidak dilakukan tes kehamilan, pemeriksaan USG, dan kolaborasi tidak dengan dokter Sp.OG.
Kesimpulan: Ny.R akseptor suntik cyclofem dengan amenorea mengalami menstruasi pada kunjungan hari ketujuh dan tetap menggunakan suntik cyclofem. Tidak dilakukan tes kehamilan, pemeriksaan USG, dan kolaborasi tidak dengan dokter Sp.OG.
Kata Kunci: asuhan kebidanan, suntik cyclofem, amenorea
Background: There were 14,736,917 (48.13%) acceptors of injection for family planning in Indonesia. The acceptors of cyclofem injection in Community Health Center Sangkrah were 126 acceptors, the acceptors of cyclofem injection with amenorrhea were 11 acceptors (8.73%).
Objective: The objective of this case study is to study and understand the midwifery care of the cyclofem injection with amenorrhea in Community Health Center Sangkrah of Surakarta comprehensively.
Method: This research used the observational descriptive research with the case study approach. The subject was the acceptor of cyclofem injection with amenorrhea. The research location was at the Community Health Center Sangkrah of Surakarta. The data were gathered through interview, direct observation, and document study of medical record. The data were analyzed descriptively based on the seven measures claimed by Varney.
Result: Mrs. R complained of not having her period for 3 months. The Abdominal palpation resulted in no palpable masses. The client was given an information on causes of amenorrhea and treated with linestrenol 0,5mg 2x1 therapy for 7 days. The gap was found, for the pregnancy test, USG examination, and the collaboration with obstetrician and gynecology specialist were not done
Conclusion: Mrs.R, an acceptor of cyclofem injection with amenorrhea experienced her period on her seventh visitation day and she continued using cyclofem injection. The pregnancy test, USG examination, and the collaboration with obstetrician and gynecology specialist were not done
Keywords: midwifery care, cyclofem injection, amenorrhea