Penelitianinibertujuanuntukmengetahui: (1) kesalahan-kesalahanyang dialamisiswatipefield dependent (FD) dalammenyelesaikansoalceritapadamateri volume prismaberdasarkanFong’s Shcematic Model For Error Analysis, (2) kesalahan-kesalahan yang dialamisiswatipefield independent (FI) dalammenyelesaikansoalceritapadamateri volume prismaberdasarkanFong’s Shcematic Model For Error Analysis, (3) faktor-faktor yang menyebabkansiswatipefield dependent (FD) melakukankesalahandalammenyelesaikansoalceritapadamateri volume prismaberdasarkanFong’s Shcematic Model For Error Analysis, (4) faktor-faktor yang menyebabkansiswatipe field independent (FI) melakukankesalahandalammenyelesaikansoalceritapadamateri volume prismaberdasarkanFong’s Shcematic Model For Error Analysis.
Penelitianinidilakukan di SMP IT Ibnu Abbas Klaten Tahun Ajaran 2013/2014.Penelitianinitermasukpenelitiankualitatif.Teknikpemilihansubjekpenelitianmenggunakanpurposive sampleatausampelbertujuan.Subjek yang digunakandalampenelitianinisebanyak 6 orang siswa yang diambildarikelas VIII.Subjektersebutsebanyak 3 siswadengangayakognitiffield independent (FI) yangmemilikikategoriskemalengkapdengankesalahan (E1), Skematidaklengkapdengankesalahan (E3), danmenggunakanprosedur yang tidakrelevan (E4) dan 3 siswadengangayakognitiffield dependent (FD) yang memilikikategoriskemalengkapdengankesalahan (E1), Skematidaklengkapdengankesalahan (E3), danmenggunakanprosedur yang tidakrelevan (E4). Validitas data dalampenelitianinimenggunakantriangulasimetodedantriangulasiwaktu
Hasilpenelitianmenunjukkanbahwa: (1) kesalahan-kesalahan yang dialami siswa tipe field dependent (FD)dalam menyelesaikan soal cerita pada materi volume prisma berdasarkan Fong’s Shcematic Model For Error Analysis yaitukesalahan bahasa, kesalahan opersional dan kesalahan tema matematika, namunkesalahansiswa tipe field dependent (FD)lebihdominanpadakesalahanoperasionaldantemamatematika,(2) kesalahan-kesalahan yang dialami siswa tipe field independent (FI) dalam menyelesaikan soal cerita pada materi volume prisma berdasarkan Fong’s Shcematic Model For Error Analysis yaitukesalahan bahasa, kesalahan opersional dan kesalahan tema matematika, namun, kesalahansiswa tipe field independent (FI)lebihdominanpadakesalahanbahasa,(3) faktor-faktor yang menyebabkan siswa tipe field dependent (FD) melakukan kesalahan dalam menyelesaikan soal cerita materi volume prisma berdasarkan Fong’s Shcematic Model For Error Analysis yaitu: (a) kurang teliti dalam membaca soal sehingga mengakibatkan salah dalam menuliskan apa yang diketahui, (b) beranggapan bahwa menulis apa yang diketahui dan ditanya tidak terlalu penting karena sudah ada dalam soal, (c) menganggap bahwa menulis apa yang diketahui dan ditanyakan akan membuang waktu dan lebih ringkas apabila tidak ditulis (d) lupa untuk menuliskan rumus secara lengkap,(e) sengaja tidak menuliskan rumus dengan lengkap, (f) terburu-buru dalam mengerjakan soal agar cepat selesai. (g)kurang teliti dalam operasi perkalian, (h) sengaja tidak menuliskan satuan dengan lengkap, (i) beranggapan bahwa dirinya sudah cukup mengerti satuan yang dituliskan walaupun bisa jadi itu belum bisa dimengerti oleh orang lain, (j) akibat kesalahan sebelumnya, (k) belum memahami materi tentang satuan volume dan siswa mengira bahwa satuan volume seharusnya semua dalam liter, (l) belum memahami materi tentang satuan luas, (m) siswa tidak terbiasa dalam menuliskan kesimpulan di akhir jawabannya, (n)menurut siswa, guru tidak begitu menekankan untuk menuliskan kesimpulan dalam mengerjakan soal cerita, (o) kurang begitu menguasai materi tentang mengubah satuan panjang, (p) belum memahami urutan-urutan yang harus dilakukan dalam mengerjakan soal, (q) belum memahami rumus volume kubus, (4) faktor-faktor yang menyebabkan siswa tipe field independent (FI) melakukan kesalahan dalam menyelesaikan soal materi volume prisma berdasarkanFong’s Shcematic Model For Error Analysisyaitu: (a) merasa benar bahwa tanda (=) boleh diganti dengan tanda (:), (b) malas dalam menuliskan keterangan dalam mencari luas segitiga, (c) ingin menyelesaikan soal dengan cepat, (d) tergesa-gesa dalam mengerjakan soal, (e) terbiasa tidak lengkap dalam menuliskan apa yang ditanyakan, (f) siswa beranggapan bahwa dengan menggabung antara apa yang ditanya dengan kesimpulan dapat meringkas jawaban dan mempercepat proses pengerjaan soal, (g) siswa terbiasa mengerjakan soal pilihan ganda dari pada soal uraian berbentuk cerita, (h) kurang teliti dalam operasi perkalian, (i) akibat dari kesalahan sebelumnya, (j)merasa sudah tahu jawabannya tanpa berpikir bahwa jawabannya belum tentu dimengerti oleh orang lain, (k) belum memahami materi tentang mengubah satuan panjang, (l) kurang teliti dalam mengerjakan soal, (m) tidak bisa membedakan antara sisi dan rusuk pada bangun ruang, (n) belum menguasai langkah-langkah dalam menjawab soal yang diberikan.
Kata Kunci: Analisiskesalahan, Volume Prisma, Fong’ S Shcematic Model For Error Analysis, Gaya kognitif.
This study aims to find out: (1)the errors experienced by students with field dependent type (FD) in solving stories problems on prism volume based on Fong’sShcematic Model For Error Analysis,(2) the errors experienced by students with field independent type (FI) in solving stories problems on prism volume based on Fong’sShcematic Model For Error Analysis, (3) the factors that lead students with field dependent type (FD) to make mistakes in solving stories problem on prism volume based on Fong’sShcematic Model For Error Analysis, (4) the factors that lead students with field independent type (FI) to make mistakes in solving stories problem on prism volume based on Fong’sShcematic Model For Error Analysis.
This study was conducted in SMPIT Ibnu Abbas Klaten in the academic year of 2013/2014. This study is a qualitative study. The technique used in selecting the research subjects was purposive sample. The subjects used in this study were 6 students taken from grade VIII. Those subjects consisted of 3 students with field independent cognitive style (FI) who have schema categories complete schema with errors (E1), incomplete schema with errors (E3), and using irrelevant procedures (E4), and 3 students with field dependent cognitive style (FD) who have complete schema with errors (E1), incomplete schema with errors(E3), and use irrelevant procedures (E4). The data validity in this research used triangulation methode and triangulation time.
The result is:(1) the errors experienced by students with field dependent type (FD) in solving word problems on prism volume based on Fong’sSchematic Model for Error Analysis were language errors, operational errors, and mathematical themes errors,however, the mistake of students with field dependent type is more dominant than operational errors, and mathematical themes errors,(2) the errors experienced by students with field independent type (FI) in solving word problems on prism volume based on Fong’sSchematic Model for Error Analysis were language errors, operational errors, and mathematical themes errors,however, the mistake of students with field idependent type is more dominant thanlanguage errors, (3) the factors that caused students with field dependent type (FD) to make mistakes in solving prism volume word problems based on Fong’sSchematic Model for Error Analysis were: (a) the inadvertence on reading the problems that led to errors in writing what was known, (b) the assumption that writing what was known and what was asked were less important because they already existed in the problems, (c) the assumption that writing what was known and what was asked would waste the time, so it would be more concise when they do not write them, (d) the forgetfulness for writing the complete formulas, (e) the deliberateness in writing incomplete formulas, (f) in a hurry to finish the problems soon, (g) the inadvertence in multiplication operations, (h) the deliberateness in writing incomplete units, (i) the assumption of self understanding of the written units, although they may be incomprehensible for other people, (j) the effect of the previous mistakes, (k) the lack of volume unit understanding and the students’ assumption that all volume units are in liters, (l) the lack of length unit understanding, (m) the students’ unfamiliarity in writing a conclusion at the end of their answer, (n) the lack of the teacher’s emphasis on writing a conclusion in solving word problems, (o) the lack of the material mastery on changing the units of length, (p) the lack of understanding on the sequence of solving the problems, (q) the lack of understanding on the formula of cube volume. (4) the factors that caused students with field independent type (FI) to make mistakes in solving prism volume problems based on Fong’sSchematic Model for Error Analysis were: (a) the assumption that the symbol (=) might be replaced with the symbol (:), (b) the laziness in writing explanation in finding the width of triangles, (c) the desire to quickly finish the problems, (d) in a hurry in solving the problems, (e) the habit of incomplete problems writing, (f) the assumption of the students that combining what was asked with the conclusion could shorten the answer and accelerate the process of solving the problems, (g) the students are more accustomed to multiple choice questions than essay questions in the form of word problems, (h) the inadvertence in multiplication operations, (i) the effect of the previous mistakes, (j) the students’ assumption that they have known the answer without thinking that their answer might not be understood by other people, (k) the lack of the material mastery on changing the units of length, (l) the inadvertence in solving the problems, (m) the inability in distinguishing between faces/sides and edges in geometry, (n) the lack of the steps mastery of solving the given problems.
Keywords: Error analysis, Prism Volume, Fong’sShcematic Model For Error Analysis, Cognitive style.