Latar Belakang dan Tujuan: Angka kejadian asfiksia sedang Di RSUD
Karanganyar sebesar 758 jiwa (53,8%). Tujuan untuk mempelajari dan memahami
asuhan kebidanan pada bayi Ny.S dengan asfiksia sedang di RSUD Karanganyar
secara komprehensif.
Metode: Observasional deskriptif dengan pendekatan studi kasus. Subjek
penelitian bayi Ny.S dengan asfiksia sedang. Cara pengambilan data melalui
wawancara, observasi langsung dan studi dokumen rekam medik. Analisis data
secara deskriptif berdasar 7 langkah Varney dan SOAP.
Hasil: Bayi Ny.S lahir spontan dengan induksi, air ketuban keruh, bayi tidak
menangis spontan, sianosis perifer, napas lambat dan tidak teratur. APGAR score
6/7/8. Diberikan asuhan resusitasi HAIKAL, Oksigen head box 4 liter/menit, dan
cefotaxim 125 mg/12jam. Setelah dilakukan perawatan, keadaan bayi membaik,
menangis kuat, napas teratur, dan gerak aktif.
Kesimpulan: Bayi telah mendapatkan terapi dan perawatan selama 3 hari,
Keadaan bayi membaik, menangis kuat, nafas teratur, dan gerak aktif. Tidak
terdapat kesenjangan teori dan praktek.
Kata Kunci: Asuhan kebidanan, bayi, asfiksia sedang.
Background and Objective: The number of moderate asphyxia incidences at the
Local General Hospital of Karanganyar was 758 (53.8%). The objective is to
study and understand the midwifery care on the infant of Mrs.S with moderate
asphyxia at the Local General Hospital of Karanganyar comprehensively.
Method: This research used the observational descriptive research method with
the case study approach. The subject of research was the infant of Mrs.S with
moderate asphyxia. The data of research were collected through in-depth
interview, direct observation, and content analysis of medical record. The data of
research were descriptively analyzed by using Varney’s Seven Steps and SOAP.
Result: The infant of Mrs.S was spontaneously born with induction, the amniotic
fluid was turbid, the infant did not cry loudly, cyanosis perifer, and the breath was
slow and irregular. The APGAR score was 6/7/8. The infant was given HAIKAL
resuscitation, oxygen head box 4 liters/minute, and cefotaxim 125 mg/12
hours.The nutrition was fulfilled. Following the treatment, the infant had good
general conditions, regular breath, and active motions and cried loudly.
Conclusion: Following three days of therapy and supportive treatment, the infant
had good condition, regular breath, active motion, and cried loudly. Not gap was
found between the theory and the practice.
Keywords: Midwifery care, infant, moderate asphyxia