Penulis Utama : Siti Mawaddatul Fitriyah Assu’udiyah
NIM / NIP : R0312106

Latar Belakang :AKI akibat eklamsia/preeklamsia 24%. Di RSUD Pandan Arang Boyolali ibu bersalin yang mengalami PEB sebesar 12,3%.
Tujuan :Untuk mempelajari dan memahami asuhan kebidanan pada kasus ibu bersalin dengan PEB di RSUD Pandan Arang Boyolali secara komprehensif.
Metode :Observasional deskriptif dengan pendekatan studi kasus. Subyek studi kasus adalah Ny. Sibu bersalin dengan PEB.Tempat di RSUD Pandan Arang Boyolali.Cara pengambilan data melalui wawancara, observasi langsung, dan studi dokumen rekam medis.Analisis data dilakukan secara deskriptif berdasarkan 7 langkah Varney dan SOAP.
Hasil :Ny. S G4P3A0 hamil 38+4 minggu datang dengan keluhan  kenceng-kenceng,  pusing, protein urine +2. Klien diberikan infus RL20 tpm, MgSO4 dosis awal 8 gram, Nifediphine 10mg/8 jam, dan tindakan partus pervaginam dengan ekstraksi vakum. Pada akhir pemberian  pengobatan ibu bersalin normal. Kesenjangantidak dilakukan pemeriksaan syarat pemberianMgSO4, penghitungan balance cairan, dan terlalu lama pimpinan persalinan.
Kesimpulan :Ny. S G4P3A0 hamil 38+4 minggu denganPEB mendapat terapi infus RL20tpm, MgSO4 dosis awal 8 gram, Nifediphine 10mg/8 jam, dan tindakan ekstraksi vakum.Pada akhir pemberianpengobatan ibu bersalin normal.Tidak dilakukan pemeriksaan syarat pemberianMgSO4, penghitungan balance cairan, dan terlalu lama pimpinan persalinan.
Kata Kunci : Asuhan Kebidanan, Bersalin, Preeklamsia Berat
Background: The maternity mortality rate caused by eclamsia/pre-eclamsia was 24%. At Local General Hospital of Pandan Arang Boyolali regency, the incidence rate of postpartum mother experiencing severe pre-eclamsia was 12,3%.
Objective: The objective of this research is to study and understand the midwifery care of the postpartum mother experiencing severe pre-eclamsia at Local General Hospital of Pandan Arang Boyolali regency comprehensively.
Method: This research used the observational descriptive research method with the case study approach. The subject of the research was the mother giving a birth of Mrs. S G4P3A0 with pre-eclamsia. It was conducted at Local General Hospital of Pandan Arang Boyolali regency. The data of the research were gathered through in-depth interview, direct observation, and content analysis on the medical record. The data were analyzed descriptively based on the seven measures claimed by Varney and the development data of SOAP notes.
Result: Mrs. S G4P3A0 with the gestational age of 38+4 weeks complains of abdominal tightening, headache, her urinal protein +2. The client is given RL 20 dpm infusion, MgSO4 first dosis 8 gr, 10 mg Nifediphine/ 8 hour, and gives birth per-vaginam with ekstraktion vacum. At the end of the medical care, the mother gives birth normally. There is a gap between the theory and practice, namely reservation of MgSO4 is not doing and ballance of fluid is not arithmeticed.
Conclusion: Mrs. S G4P3A0 who is Pregnant for 38+4 weeks with Pre-eclamsia gets the therapy of RL 28 dpm infusion, MgSO4 first dosis 8 gr, 10 mg Nifediphine/ 8 hour, and gives birth per-vaginam with ekstraktion vacum. At the end of the care, the mother gives birth normally. Reservation of MgSO4 is not doing and ballance of fluid is not arithmeticed.
Keywords: Midwifery care, Expectant, Severe Pre-eclamsia

Penulis Utama : Siti Mawaddatul Fitriyah Assu’udiyah
Penulis Tambahan : -
NIM / NIP : R0312106
Tahun : 2015
Judul : Asuhan Kebidanan Ibu Bersalin pada Ny. S G4p3a0 Umur 36 Tahun Hamil 38+4 Minggu dengan Preeklamsia Berat di RSUD Pandan Arang Boyolali
Edisi :
Imprint : Surakarta - F. Kedokteran - 2015
Program Studi : D-3 Kebidanan
Kolasi :
Sumber : UNS-F. Kedokteran Prog. DIII Kebidanan-R0312106-2015
Kata Kunci :
Jenis Dokumen : Laporan Tugas Akhir (D III)
Link DOI / Jurnal : -
Status : Public
Pembimbing : 1. Hardiningsih, S.ST., M.Kes
2. E. Listyaningsih S., dr, M.Kes
Penguji :
Catatan Umum :
Fakultas : Fak. Kedokteran
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