Pesisir Rembang dan sekitarnya merupakan daerah penghasil padi, tanaman pertanian lainnya dan garam. Daerah ini adalah daerah yang air permukaannya terbatas. Sementara itu daerah ini terus berkembang sebagai daerah pemukiman. Hal ini mengakibatkan pengambilan airtanah terus meningkat sehingga meningkatkan bahaya intrusi ataupun proses hidrogeokimia yang lain yang bisa menurunkan kualitas airtanahnya.Untuk mengetahui kondisi airtanah sekaligus mengembangkan materi Geografi maka dilakukan penelitian ini. Tujuan Penelitian ini adalah:1).Mengetahui karakteristik kimia airtanah di pesisir Rembang, 2). Mengetahui distribusi Intrusi di pesisir Rembang.
3) .Mengaplikasikan hasil penelitian ini untuk pengajaran .
Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah kuantitatif deskriptif dengan variabel Penelitian : Na,K,Ca,Mg,Cl,HCO3,CO3,SO4,SAR( Sodium Absorbsion Ratio). Data diperoleh dari 16 sampel, titik pengambilan sampel dengan transek. Analisis kandungan anion dan kation dilakukan di laboratorium kualitas air Balingtan Jaken, Pati Dan Lab. Kes. UPT. Din Kes Surakarta. Tipe airtanah ditentukan berdasarkan pada data : DHL, Na,K, Ca, Mg, Cl,HCO3, CO3,SO4 diplot pada diagram Piper. Sodum Absorbsion Ratio dihitung berdasarkan dari perbandingan Na, Ca dan Mg. Intrusi didasarkan pada rasio Cl/HCO3 ( Metoda Ravelle).
Dari analisis data menunjukan bahwa: 1. Karakteristik kimia Airtanah di pesisir Rembang terdapat 3 ( tiga ) kelompok tipe kimia airtanah yaitu : a ).Tipe Ca(Mg) HCO3 (terdapat di bagian barat dan tengah ), b.) Tipe Ca(Mg)Cl(SO4) ( di Selatan tengah ) dan c.) Tipe Na(K)Cl(SO4) ( di timur ). Tipe Ca(Mg) HCO3 umumnya bersifat stabil. Tipe Ca(Mg)Cl(SO4) adalah tipe airtanah yang belum stabil dan payau, tipe ini disebabkan oleh air laut yang terjebak di akifer ( air connate ) dan proses pencucian (flushing). Tipe Na(K)Cl(SO4) adalah tipe airtanah yang disebabkan oleh intrusi. 2. Berdasarkan keasinan airtanah didaerah penelitian ditemukan 3 (tiga ) kelompok airtanah asin yaitu a.)airtanah asin karena intrusi air laut, b.)airtanah asin karena factor lain bukan intrusi air laut dan c.) airtanah tawar. 3. Dari hasil penelitian ini menunjukan adanya perwilayahan tipe airtanah maupun perwiyahan airtanah asin yang dapat diaplikasikan dalam pembelajaran Geografi dalam Kompetensi Dasar Dinamika Hidrosfera sub bahasan tentang perwilayahan airtanah.
Kata Kunci : Airtanah, Tipe Kimia Airtanah, Airtanah Asin.
The coastal regions in Rembang regency and in its surrounding are areas
which produce rice, other crops, and salt. The regions have limited surface water, but they are developing as settlements. As a result, the groundwater exploitation is increasing, which increases the hazard of seawater intrusion or the process of other hidrogeochemistries that may decrease the groundwater quality.
The objectives of this research are: (1) to investigate the characteristics of groundwater chemistry in the coastal regions of Rembang regency; (2) to investigate the distribution of intrusion in the coastal regions of Rembang regency; and (3) to apply the result of this study for Geography instruction.
This research used the quantitative descriptive research method with the variables of research of Na, K, Ca, Mg, Cl, HCO3, CO3, SO4, and SAR (Sodium Absorption Ratio). The data of research were collected from 16 samples. The samples of research were taken by using transect method. The analysis of anion and cation contents was done at the Water Quality Laboratory of the Agricultural Environmental Research Center of Jaken, Pati and at Health Laboratory of the Technical Implementing Unit of the Health Office of Surakarta. The types of groundwater were determined according to the data of DHL, Na, K, Ca, Mg, Cl, HCO3, CO3, SO4 plotted in Piper Diagram. Sodium Absorption Ratio was calculated according to the ratio of Na, Ca, and Mg. the seawater intrusion was based on that of Cl/HCO3 (Ravelle method).
The results of research are as follows: 1) In term of chemical characteristics of groundwater there are three groups of groundwater chemistry in coastal regions of
Rembang regency, namely: a) Ca (Mg) HCO3 type (found in the western and middle regions); b) Ca(Mg) Cl (SO4) type (found in southern and middle regions; and c) Na (K) Cl (SO4) (found in eastern regions). The Ca (Mg) HCO3 type is generally stable in
nature. Meanwhile, the Ca(Mg) Cl (SO4) type is not stable and brackish in nature. It happens due to the trap of seawater in aquifer (air connate) and flushing process. 2) In
term of groundwater salinity, there are three types of groundwater salinity in the regions, namely: (a) saline groundwater due to seawater intrusion; (b) saline groundwater due to other factors other than seawater intrusion; and (c) fresh groundwater. 3) There is a zoning of groundwater types and saline groundwater types that are applicable in Geography learning within the Basic Competency of Hydrosphere Dynamics on the sub- topic of discussion of Groundwater Zoning.
Keywords: Groundwater, types of groundwater chemistry, saline groundwater