Tujuan penelitian adalah (1) memperoleh gambaran pelaksanaan
pembelajaran di SDIT Al Huda Wonogiri, (2) menemukan prosedur pengembangan
produk multimedia pembelajaran interaktif yang tepat, (3) menemukan multimedia
pembelajaran interaktif yang dikembangkan dengan software Lectora, (4)
memperoleh keefektifan multimedia pembelajaran interaktif dalam meningkatkan
motivasi dan prestasi belajar IPA siswa.
Pendekatan penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian Research and
Development (R&D). Populasi penelitian adalah siswa kelas 4 di SDIT Al Huda
Wonogiri dan SDIT Al Huda Sidoharjo. Model pengembangan mengadopsi dari
ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation). Teknik
analisis data menggunakan uji t. Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan adalah
kuesioner dan tes. Kuesioner untuk mengukur motivasi dan tes digunakan untuk
mengukur prestasi siswa.
Tahap uji coba produk multimedia dilakukan sebanyak tiga kali (uji one to
one, uji kelompok kecil, uji kelompok besar). Hasil uji coba produk menghasilkan
kesimpulan bahwa penggunaan multimedia pembelajaran interaktif mampu
meningkatkan motivasi dan prestasi belajar siswa.
Implementasi produk dilakukan di dua sekolah yaitu SDIT Al Huda
Wonogiri dan SDIT Al Huda sidoharjo. Hasilnya adalah : (1) di SDIT Al Huda
Wonogiri hasil uji t terhadap prestasi menunjukkan nilai sig 2-tailed = 0,023 < a =
5%, sehingga pengaruh produk dalam meningkatkan prestasi adalah signifikan.
Pada motivasi siswa diperoleh sig 2-tailed = 0,003 < a = 5%, sehingga pengaruh
produk multimedia interaktif dalam meningkatkan motivasi adalah signifikan. (2) di
SDIT Al Huda Sidoharjo hasil uji t terhadap prestasi menunjukkan nilai sig 2-tailed
= 0,005 < a = 5%, sehingga pengaruh produk dalam meningkatkan prestasi adalah
signifikan. Pada motivasi siswa diperoleh sig 2-tailed = 0,038 < a = 5%, sehingga
pengaruh produk dalam meningkatkan motivasi adalah signifikan.
Kata kunci : Multimedia pembelajaran interaktif, Lectora, IPA, prestasi, motivasi.
The objectives of this research are to obtain: (1) the description of learning
implementation at Al Huda Integrated Islamic Primary School of Wonogiri; (2) the
procedure for development of an appropriate interactive learning multimedia
product; (3) the feasibility of interactive learning multimedia developed with the
Lectora software; and (4) the effectiveness of the interactive learning in improving
the learning motivation and achievement in Nuatural Science learning of the
This researcch used the Research and Development (R&D) research
method. Its population was all of the students in Grade 4 of Al Huda Integrated
Islamic Primary School of Wonogiri and of Al Huda Integrated Islamic Primary
School of Sidoharjo. The developmental model adopted the model of ADDIE
(Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation). The data of
research were collected through questionnaire and test. The former was employed
to measure the learning motivation of the students, and the latter was used to
measure the learning achievement of the students. They were analyzed by using the
t test. In multimedia product testing stage, three tests were administered (one to one
testing, small group testing, and large group testing). The product testing showed
that the use of interactive learning mutlimedia was able to improve the learning
motivation and achievdment of the students. The implementation of developed
products was done at two Primary Schools, namely: Al Huda Integrated Islamic
Primary School of Wonogiri and Al Huda Integrated Islamic Primary School of
The results of research are as follows: 1) At Al Huda Integrated Islamic
Primary School of Wonogiri, the result of t test indicates the value of sig 2-tailed =
0.023 < a = 5%, suggesting that the effect of product in improving the learning
achievement is significant. In term of learning motivation of the students the value
of sig 2-tailed is 0.003 < a = 5%, indicating that the effect of interactive
multimedia product in improving the learning motivation is significant. 2) At Al
Huda Integrated Islamic Primary School of Sidoharjo, the result of t test shows the
value of sig 2-tailed = 0,005 < a = 5%, so that the effect product in improving the
learning achievement is significant. In term of learning motivation of the students,
the value of sig 2-tailed is 0.038 < a = 5%, meaning that the effect of product in
improving the learning motivation of the students is significant.
Keywords: Interactive learning multimedia, Lectora, Natural Science, achievement,
and motivation