Penelitian bertujuan untuk menemukan: jenis-jenis tindak tutur dalam iklan politik berbahasa Jawa pada Pemilu Legislatif 2014, sub-sub tindak tutur dalam iklan politik berbahasa Jawa pada Pemilu Legislatif 2014, dan karakteristik tindak tutur iklan politik berbahasa Jawa pada Pemilu Legislatif 2014. Data penelitian adalah data linguistik berupa satuam lingual berbentuk klausa, kalimat, dan tuturan yang terdapat pada iklan politik pemilu legislatif 2014. Metode penyediaan data yang digunakan adalah teknik simak bebas libat cakap (SBLC). Teknik sampling yaitu purposive sampling. Metode analisis data menggunakan metode padan (hubung banding).
Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diperoleh kesimpulan sebagai berikut. Jenis
tindak tutur yang ditemukan yakni, tindak tutur asertif, tindak tutur direktif, tindak tutur komisif, tindak tutur ekspresif, dan tindak tutur deklaratif. Tindak tutur yag paling dominan adalah tindak tutur direktif. Sementara tindak tutur yang paling sedikit jumlahnya adalah tindak tutur ekpresif. Tindak tutur asertif memiliki sub tindak tutur memberitahukan, menyatakan, dan mengklaim. Tindak tutur direktif memiliki sub tindak tutur memerintah, mengajak, memohon, dan menyarankan. Tindak tutur komisif memiliki sub tindak tutur menjanjikan dan menawarkan. Tindak tutur ekspresif memiliki sub tindak tutur memuji, berterimakasih, dan memberi selamat. Tindak tutur deklaratif memiliki sub tindak tutur mendeklarasikan dan berpasrah. Karakteristik tindak tutur dalam iklan politik berbahasa Jawa pada pemilu legislatif 2014 meliputi: (1) tindak tutur berbahasa Jawa dalam iklan politik pemilu legislatif memiliki kecenderungan disampaikan secara terus terang (literal speech act). (2) Berkaitan dengan modus tindak tutur yang digunakan, sebagian besar tindak tutur disampaikan secara langsung (direct speech act). (3) Bedasarkan pemilihan bahasa, karakteristik a iklan politik berbahasa Jawa yaitu terdapatnya tiga buah ragam yang digunakan : (a) ragam akrab, (b) ragam hormat, dan (c) ragam sastra.
Kata kunci: pragmatik, tindak tutur, pemilu legislatif.
The research is aimed to find the kinds of speech acts in the Javanese political advertisement of legislative elections 2014, the sub-types of speech acts, and the characteristics of speech acts in the Javanese political advertisement of legislative elections 2014. The data of this research were the linguistic data, the lingual units in the form of utterances, sentences, clauses from the Javanese political advertisement of legislative elections 2014. The data of this research were collected through observation method, while the applications of this method consider using taping technique and SLBC technique. The technique of sampling data was purposive sampling. The technique of analyzing data was comparing technique.
The result of the research shows that there are five kinds of speech act: assertive speech acts, directive speech acts, comissive speech acts, expressive speech acts, and declarative speech acts. The most dominant is directive speech acts, while the least is expressive speech acts. The assertive speech acts consists of three sub speech acts: informing, stating, and claiming. The directive speech acts consists of four sub speech acts: commanding, suggesting, requesting, recommending. The comissive speech acts consists of two sub speech acts: promising and offering. The expressive speech acts consists of three sub speech acts: praising, thanking, and congratulating. The declarative speech acts consists of three sub speech acts: declaration and resigning. The characteristics of the speech acts in the Javanese political ads of legislative elections in 2014 are: (1) the speech acts in the legislative elections of political advertising are use literal speech act; (2) the mode of speech acts are use direct speech act; (3) the language diversity in the speech acts consist of three types: (a) ngoko language (casual style); (b) krama language (formal style); (c) literary language.
Keywords: pragmatics, speech acts, legislative elections.