Background: The percentage mortality and morbidity of toddlers aged less than two years due to diarrhea was approximately 80%. At theLocal General Hospital of Surakarta, the percentage of toddlers suffering from diarrhea was 6.96%.
Objective: The objective of this research is to study and understand the midwifery care on the acute diarrhea and moderate dehydration at theLocal General Hospital of Surakarta comprehensively.
Method:This research used the observational descriptive research method with the case study approach. The subject of research was Baby M with acute diarrhea and moderate dehydration. The research was done at theLocal General Hospital of Surakarta. The data of research were collected through in-depth interview, direct observation, and content analysis of medical record. The data of research were descriptively analyzed by using Varney’s Seven Steps.
Result: BabyM aged one year and six months was admitted to the hospital. The client had loose stools for approximately 10 times. The client was given electrolyte, antibiotic anti pyretic, anti emetic, analgesic, and gastrointestinal medicines. Following the treatment, the hydration was resolved, and the condition of the client was good. However, gaps were found that the administration of anti biotic and anti emetic therapieswas not in appropriate, and observation on the fluid outputs and intakes was not done.
Conclusion: Child M aged one year and six monthssuffered from acute diarrhea and moderate dehydration. Following the four days of treatment, the loose stools were not present, and the stomach was not bloated, the hydration status was good, and the turgor was good. Yet, gaps were found that observation on the fluid outputs and intakes was not done, and the administration of anti biotic and anti emetic medicines was not in appropriate.
Keywords: Midwifery care, acute diarrhea, moderate dehydration