Latar Belakang : Angka kematian ibu yang disebabkan preeklamsia sebesar
23,95%. Di RSUD dengan preeklamsia ringan sebesar 13,04%. Tujuan untuk
mempelajari, memahami asuhan kebidanan pada kasus nifas dengan preeklamsia
Metode : observasional deskriptif dengan pendekatan studi kasus. Subjek
penelitian nifas Ny. M dengan preeklamsia ringan. Tempat: RSUD Pandan Arang.
Cara pengambilan data melalui wawancara, observasi dan studi dokumen rekam
medik. Analisis data dilakukan secara deskriptif berdasar 7 Langkah Varney dan
Hasil : Ny. M mengeluh lemas dan pusing. Hasil pemeriksaan terdapat edema pada
lengan, proteinurin 1(+), leukosit 36400 u/L. Selama perawatan diberikan terapi
medikamentosa, KIE pola diit, anjuran untuk tirah baring, dan observasi tanda vital.
Hasilnya tekanan darah stabil, proteinurin negatif, dan leukosit menurun, tidak terjadi
komplikasi preeklamsia berat dan syok septik.
Kesimpulan : Ny. M pulang dengan keadaan keadaan umum baik, tekanan darah
stabil, proteinurin negatif. Tidak terdapat kesenjangan antara asuhan kebidanan
dengan teori.
Kata kunci : Asuhan Kebidanan, Nifas, Preeklamsia Ringan
Background: Percentage of maternal mortality rate because preeclampsia was
23.95%. At PandanArang Hospital, the number of postpartum with mild
preeclampsia reached 13.04%. Objective of this research to study and understand
the midwifery care of postpartum with mild preeclampsia.
Method:This research used the observational descriptive research method with
the case study. The subject of research was postpartum Mrs.M with mild
preeclampsia. The research was conducted at PandanArang, Boyolali Hospital.
The data of research were collected by interview, direct observation, and analysis
of medical record. Data analyzed were descriptively analyzed by using Varney’s
Seven Steps and SOAP.
Result: Mrs.M complained of limpness and dizziness. There was found edema in the
arms, urine protein was 1(+), leucocytes were 36,400 u/L. During treatment was given
medical treatments, communication information, education on appropriate diet,
recommended bed rest, and vital sign observation. Blood pressure was stable, urine
protein was negative, leucocytes decreased, severe preeclampsia complications and
septic shocks were not present.
Conclusion: Mrs.M was discharged, and her general conditions were good. Her
blood pressure was stable, urine protein was negative. In this case there is no
discrepancy between midwifery care in the hospital and theory.
Keywords : Midwifery care, postpartum, mild preeclampsia