Usaha Mikro, Kecil danMenengahmerupakansalahsatusektorindustridalamkewirausahaan, sektoriniadalahsektor yang riildalamperekonomiandimanasektorriilinilah yang memilikidayatahan yang tinggiterhadapkrisis global.Keberadaan UMKM yang dominansebagaipelakuekonominasionaljugamerupakansubyek vital dalampembangunan, khususnyadalamrangkaperluasankesempatanberusahabagiwirausahabarudanpenyerapantenagakerjasertamenekanangkapengangguran.Dapatdikatakanpengembangan UMKM secaramenyeluruhakanmeningkatkanperekonomiannasionalmaupundaerah, begitujugaSukoharjo yang menjadilokasipenelitianini. Tujuandaripenelitianiniadalahuntukmengetahuipengembanganterhadap UMKM Gitar di KecamatanBaki yang dilakukanDinasKoperasidan UMKM KabupatenSukoharjomelaluiStrategi yang dilakukan.
Penelitianinidilakukan di DinasKoperasidan UMKM KabupatenSukoharjodenganmetodepenelitiankualitatif.Teknikpengumpulan data menggunakanwawancara, yang dipilihsecara purposive,observasidandokumentasi.Denganmenggunakanidentifikasifaktor internal daneksternalmakaakandiperolehisu-isustrategis. Selanjutnyadilakukanpengukuranskalaprioritasisu-isustrategisdenganmenggunakantes litmus untukmengetahuiisu yang paling strategis.Setelahituakandiketahuipengembangan yang tepatuntuk UMKM Gitar di KecamatanBaki. Validitas data yang digunakandalampenelitianiniadalahmetodetrianggulasi data.Analisis data dalampenelitianinimenggunakan model analisisinteraktifuntukmendukunganalisis SWOT dantes Litmus.
Hasildaripenelitianinimenunjukkanbahwaisu yang paling strategisadalahpengembangandengandibuatnyadesawisatauntukmendatangkankonsumennasionalmaupuninternasional.BerdasarkanhasilTes Litmus, isuinimemilikinilai total 32 yang berartiisuinisangatstrategidansegeramungkinuntukditindaklanjuti.Isustrategistersebuttermasukisustrategis SO yaituStrength (Kekuatan) danOpportunities (Peluang).Isustrategi SO (Strenghtdan Opportunities) ituberartimenggunakankekuatan yang dimilikiuntukmemanfaatkandanmerebutpeluangsebesar-besarnya.Desawisata yang menjadiisustrategisitusudahmulaidilakukandengandibangunnya Sentra WisataIndustridanEkonomiolehDinasKoperasidan UMKM, DinasPerindustriandanPerdagangandanBapedadenganmenggunakandanadari PNPM Mandiri.
Kata Kunci : UMKM, Strategi, Pengembangan
Micro-, small-, and medium scale enterprise is one of industrial sectors in entrepreneurship; this sector is a real one in economy in which it is this sector that has high resistance to global crisis. The dominant existence of MSME as national economic actor is also a vital subject in development, particularly in the attempt of expanding entrepreneurial opportunity by new entrepreneurs and labor absorption and of suppressing unemployment rate. It can be stated that a comprehensively development of MSMSE will improve both national and local economy. It is also true in Sukoharjo in which this research was conducted. The objective of research was to find out the development of Guitar MSME in Baki Sub District conducted by Cooperative and MSMSE Service of Sukoharjo Regency.
This research was taken place in Cooperative and MSMSE Service of Sukoharjo Regency using qualitative method. Technique of collecting data used was interview, while the sample was taken purposively, observation and documentation. Using internal and external factor identification, some strategic issues were obtained. Then, the priority scale measurement was conducted on the strategic issues using litmus test to find out the most strategic issue. Thereafter, an appropriate development would be acquired for Guitar MSMSE in Baki Sub District. The data validation was conducted using data triangulation. The data analysis in this research was conducted using an interactive model of analysis to support SWOT and Litmus test.
The result of research showed that the most strategic issue was the development of tourist village to elicit both national and international consumers. Considering the result of Litmus Test, this issue has total value of 32 meaning that this issue was very strategic and should be followed-up immediately. Such the strategic issues included SO Strength and Opportunity. These issues (Strength and opportunity) were defined as using the strength owned to utilize and to seize the opportunity as much as possible. Tourist village becoming the strategic issue had started to be conducted with the establishment of Industrial and Economic Tourist Center by the Cooperative and MSMSE Service, Industrial and Trading Service, and Local Plan Board (Bapeda) using fund from PNPM Mandiri.
Keywords: MSMSE Service, Strategy,Development