Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian dan pengembangan atau Research and Development. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menghasilkan produk panduan assertive training yang valid berdasarkan uji ahli, menghasilkan produk panduan assertive training yang memiliki kelayakan berdasarkan praktisi dan menguji keefektifan implementasi teknik assertive training dalam meningkatkan self-confidence siswa kelas VII. Pengujian keefektifan produk menggunakan desain eksperimen Matching Pretest-Posttest Control Group Design. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan angket, observasi dan wawancara. Subjek penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas 7 di SMP Negeri 5 Karanganyar sejumlah 15 siswa. Penelitian ini menghasilkan produk berupa panduan teknik assertive training yang telah diuji validitas oleh ahli dan praktisi serta telah diuji keefektifannya kepada siswa. Hasil uji validitas ahli menyatakan bahwa produk memiliki prosentase kriteria validitas sebesar 83,9% sehingga memiliki kateogori cukup layak dengan revisi kecil. Selanjutnya, hasil uji validitas praktisi menyatakan bahwa produk memiliki kategori cukup layak dengan revisi kecil, dengan memperoleh kriteria kelayakan 84,6%. Pada uji keefektifan produk dilakukan dalam lingkup terbatas kepada 15 subjek penelitian. Kegiatan yang dilakukan kepada subjek penelitian meliputi pemberian pre-test, impementasi produk dan diakhiri dengan pemberian post-test. Hasil uji keefektifan menunjukkan adanya peningkatan nilai rata-rata sebelum dan sesudah diberikan perlakuan yaitu rata-rata pre-test adalah 90,8 dan rata-rata post-test adalah 103,07. Hal tersebut didukung oleh hasil analisis statistik menggunakan SPSS.16 dengan uji Wilcoxon yang menunjukkan bahwa nilai signifikansi < 0,05 (0,001<0,05), maka disimpulkan Ho ditolak yang berarti ada perbedaan antara skor pre-test dan skor post-test pada kelompok ekperimen. Hal tersebut menunjukkan bahwa adanya peningkatan self-confidence siswa akibat diberikan implementasi panduan teknik assertive training. Sehingga berdasarkan hasil uji keefektifan produk dapat disimpulkan bahwa panduan teknik assertive training efektif untuk meningkatkan self-confidence bagi siswa di SMP Negeri 5 Karanganyar. Kata kunci : assertive training, self-confidence.
This research was a research and development. The purposes of this research were to investigate the validity of the product based on the experts, to investigate the advisability based on practitioners’ test and to investigate the effectiveness of the implementation of assertive training technique guidance to enhance junior high school students’ self-confidence. The examination of the effectiveness of the product was conducted by using Matching Pretest-Posttest Control Group Design experimental design. The data collection techniques used were questionnaire, observation, and interview. The subject of this research was the seventh grade students of SMP Negeri 5 Karanganyar consisting of 15 students. This research resulted a product in the form of assertive training technique guidance which had been examined by the experts and practitioners and its effectiveness had been experimented to the students. The result of the experts’test was that the product had valid category with minor revision with 83,9 % score. The result of the practitioners’ test was that the product had feasible category with minor revision with 84.6% score. Furthermore, the effectiveness of the product was examined in limited range towards the research subject. The activities conducted towards the subject included giving pretest, implementing the product, and giving posttest. The effectiveness examination result showed that there was an improvement in the average score before and after the treatment was given, that were 90.8 of average pretest score and 103.07 of average posttest score. It was supported by the statistical analysis result by using SPPS.16 with Wilcoxon test that showed that the significance score was <0.005 (0.001< 0.05), so that it could be concluded that H0 was denied which meant that there was a difference between the score in the pretest and the score in the posttest of the experimental group. It showed that there was improvement in students’ self-confidence as the result of the implementation of assertive training technique guidance. Thus it could be concluded that assertive training technique guidance was effective to enhance the self-confidence of the students in SMP Negeri 5 Karanganyar. Keywords: assertive training, self-confidence