Background: Dangerous and toxic materials have been used widely in both daily life and company activities. Dangerous and toxic materials are potentially dangerous to workers’ and surrounding environment’s health and safety so that there should be a management in its use and storage. The objective of research was to find out a description on the application of dangerous and toxic materials management in PT Aisin Indonesia Cikarang Selatan.
Method: This research employed a descriptive method providing a description on the application of dangerous and toxic material management in PT Aisin Indonesia through observation, interview, and library study, that was thenanalyzed and evaluation with the Republic of Indonesia’s Government Regulation No. 74 of 2001 about the Management of Dangerous and Toxic Materials, Labor Minister’s Decree No: Kep.187/MEN/1999 about The Controlling Dangerous Chemical Materials and other related regulation.
Result: The data obtained from the research revealed that PT Aisin Indonesia had implemented the management of dangerous and toxic materials including workplace organization, dangerous and toxic substance use, dangerous and toxic materials management including receiving, storing, taking, transporting and controlling the dangerous and toxic materials.
Conclusion: PT Aisin Indonesia had implemented the management of dangerous and toxic materials referring to the Republic of Indonesia’s Government Regulation No. 74 of 2001 about the Management of Dangerous and Toxic Materials, Labor Minister’s Decree No: Kep.187/MEN/1999 about The Controlling Dangerous Chemical Materials and other related regulation. But there were some incompatibilities such as poor condition of trolley, some damaged symbols on the shelves, less compatible placement of MSDS, no measurement of chemical factor conducted. The recommendation given was that the company should repair the poor trolley, replace the damaged symbol, repair the MSDS placement, and measure the chemical factor in the warehouse of dangerous and toxic materials.
Keywords: The management of dangerous and toxic materials