Latar belakang : Dismenorea dapat disebabkan oleh beberapa faktor, salah
satunya adalah kadar hemoglobin rendah yang dapat mengakibatkan iskemia
jaringan. Iskemia jaringan mengakibatkan prostaglandin diproduksi sehingga
dapat mengakibatkan dismenorea. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis
hubungan kadar hemoglobin dengan tingkat dismenorea di SMA Muhammadiyah
3 Surakarta.
Metode : Jenis penelitian ini adalah observasional analitik dengan pendekatan
cross sectional. Teknik sampling yang digunakan adalah total sampling dengan
jumlah 43 responden yang sudah memenuhi kriteria inklusi. Instrumen yang
digunakan adalah cyanmethemoglobin dan lembar observasi. Analisis data
menggunakan uji somers’d dengan bantuan program SPSS.
Hasil : Sebanyak 53,5% siswi di SMA Muhammadiyah 3 Surakarta memiliki
kadar hemoglobin normal (12-16 gr/dl) dan 34,9% mengalami dismenorea
sedang. Hasil uji analisis menunjukkan nilai p = 0,000 dan nilai r = 0,426
Kesimpulan : Terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara kadar hemoglobin
dengan tingkat dismenorea.
Kata kunci : Kadar hemoglobin, tingkat dismenorea
Background: Dysmenorrhea can be caused by several factors. One of them is the
low hemoglobin level which leads to tissue ischemia. It causes the prostaglandin
production so that it induces dysmenorrhea.
Objective: To analyze the correlation between the hemoglobin level and the
dysmenorrhea level Muhammadiyah Senior Secondary School 3 of Surakarta.
Method: This research used the observational analytical method with the crosssectional
approach. The samples of research were taken by using the total
sampling technique and consisted of 43 respondents who fulfilled the inclusive
criteria. The data of research were collected through cyanmethemoglobin method
and observation sheet. They were analyzed by using the Somers’d Test aided with
the computer program of SPSS.
Result: 53.5% of the female students of Muhammadiyah Senior Secondary
School 3 of Surakarta had the normal hemoglobin level (12-16 gr/dl), and 34.9%
of them had a moderate dysmenorrheal level. The result of analysis shows that the
p-value was 0.000, and the r-value was 0.426 (moderate).
Conclusion: There was a significant correlation between the hemoglobin level
and the dysmenorrhea level.
Keywords: Hemoglobin level, dysmenorrhea level