Masalah yang dibahas dalam penelitian ini yaitu : (1) struktur yang membangun cerbung Tangis Biru karya Ardini Pangastuti Bn berdasarkan teori fiksi Robert Stanton; (2) kejiwaan tokoh Sulimah berdasarkan teori psikologi Alfred Adler; (3) konflik batin yang dialami tokoh Sulimah dalam perspektif psikologi sastra. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan struktural sebagai dasar, kemudian menggunakan pendekatan psikologi sastra untuk meninjau lebih lanjut.
Tujuan penelitian ini antara lain : (1) memaparkan unsur struktural yang membangun cerbung Tangis Biru karya Ardini Pangastuti Bn menurut teori struktural Robert Stanton; (2) mendeskripsikan kejiwaan tokoh Sulimah berdasarkan teori psikologi Alfred Adler; (3) memaparkan konflik batin yang dialami tokoh Sulimah dalam perspektif psikologi sastra. Manfaat penelitian ini diharapkan mampu memperkaya khazanah ilmu pengetahuan dalam gambaran sebuah model pendekatan terhadap penelitian karya sastra.
Landasan teori penelitian ini adalah pengertian cerbung, teori struktural Robert Stanton yang meliputi fakta-fakta cerita (alur, karakter, latar), tema, dan sarana-sarana sastra (judul, sudut pandang, gaya dan tone, simbolisme, serta ironi), teori psikologi Alfred Adler meliputi finalisme fiktif, dua dorongan pokok, perasaan inferioritas dan kompensasi, gaya hidup, dorongan kemasyarakatan, dan diri kreatif, teori konflik, serta wanita Jawa.
Bentuk penelitian ini adalah penelitian sastra dengan teknik deskriptif kualitatif. Sumber data berasal dari cerbung Tangis Biru karya Ardini Pangastuti Bn yang diterbitkan oleh majalah Djaka Lodang edisi 23 Januari-29 Mei 2010. Data dalam penelitian ini berupa isi teks cerbung Tangis Biru karya Ardini Pangastuti Bn. Teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan teknik content analysis, wawancara, dan studi pustaka. Analisis data pada penelitian ini menggunakan model analisis data interaktif, yaitu meliputi reduksi data, penyajian data, dan teknik penarikan kesimpulan atau verifikasi.
Hasil analisis dari penelitian ini yaitu : (1) secara keseluruhan cerbung Tangis Biru karya Ardini Pangastuti Bn menunjukkan kesatuan yang utuh dan sangat erat kaitannya satu sama lain. Unsur-unsur struktural saling terkait sehingga membentuk satu kesatuan yang indah; (2) dilihat dari aspek psikologi sastra, cerbung Tangis Biru karya Ardini Pangastuti Bn mengungkapkan kejiwaan tokoh utama Sulimah yang memiliki masalah karena pengaruh dari lingkungan sekitar sehingga mempengaruhi perjuangan hidupnya. Semua aspek teori Adler mampu mengendalikan segala bentuk perubahan untuk meraih superioritas pada tokoh Sulimah; (3) berdasarkan tinjauan dari konflik batin, tokoh Sulimah mengalami konflik batin berupa approach-approach conflict, approach avoidance conflict dan avoidance-avoidance conflict.
Kata Kunci: Cerbung Tangis Biru, Sulimah, Psikologi Sastra.
The problems addressed in this research are: (1) the structure which establishes the running story entitled Tangis Biru by Ardini Pangastuti Bn based on the fictional theory of Robert Stanton; (2) the psyche of the figure of Sulimah based on the psychological theory of Alfred Adler; (3) the inner conflict experienced by the figure of Sulimah in the perspective of Psychology of Literature. This research used the structural approach as the preliminary tool, and then it was followed by the Psychology of Literature to address the aforementioned problems.
The objectives of this research are: (1) to explain the structural elements which build the running story entitled Tangis Biru by Ardini Pangastuti Bn according to the structural theory of Robert Stanton; (2) to describe the psyche of the figure of Sulimah based on the psychological theory of Alfred Adler; (3) to explain the inner conflict experienced by the figure of Sulimah in the perspective of Psychology of Literature. The result of this research is expected enrich the treasure of science particularly an approach model to the literary work research.
The theoretical bases included definition of running story, structural theory of Robert Stanton which includes facts of story (plot, character, and setting), theme, literary devices (title, point of view, style and tone, simbolism, and irony), psychological theory of Alfred Adler which includes fictive finalism, two principal impulses, feeling of inferiority and compensation, life style, public impulses, self-creativity, theory of conflict, and also Javanese women.
This research used the literary research with the descriptive qualitative technique. The data sources of research were the running story entitled Tangis Biru by Ardini Pangastuti Bn published by Djaka Lodang magazine, Edition January 23rd - May 29th, 2010. The data of research were the text contents of the aforementioned running story. They were collected through content analysis, in-depth interview, and literature study and analyzed by using the interactive model of analysis comprising data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing or verification.
The results of research are as follows: (1) overall the running story entitled Tangis Biru by Ardini Pangastuti Bn shows a complete unity, and the structural elements are closely related one to another so that they form a beautiful unity; (2) viewed from the Psychology of literature, the aforementioned running story conveys the psyche of figure Sulimah who had problems due to the effect of the surrounding environment which affected her life struggle. All of the aspects of the theory claimed by Adler are able to control all forms of changes as to reach the superiority of the figure of Sulimah; (3) viewed on the inner conflict, the figure of Sulimah experienced the following inner conflicts: approach-approach conflict, approach avoidance conflict and avoidance-avoidance conflict.
Keywords: Running story entitled Tangis Biru, Sulimah, and Psychology of Literature.