Latar Belakang. Sikap menerima atau menolak pergaulan bebas pada remaja
salah satunya dipengaruhi oleh komunikasi antara orangtua dengan remaja.
Komunikasi yang efektif dilakukan antara orangtua dengan remaja terhadap topiktopik
seksualitas memiliki peran penting dalam mempengaruhi sikap remaja
terhadap pergaulan bebas. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui hubungan antara
komunikasi efektif tentang seksualitas dalam keluarga dengan sikap remaja
terhadap pergaulan bebas.
Metode. Jenis penelitian observasional analitik dengan pendekatan cross
sectional. Sampel 152 responden. Teknik pengambilan sampel proportionate
random sampling. Instrumen penelitian menggunakan kuesioner. Uji statistik
yaitu uji hubungan dengan Kendall Tau.
Hasil. Responden yang memiliki tingkat komunikasi efektif dalam keluarga tinggi
25 orang (16,4%), sedang 105 orang (69,1%), dan rendah 22 orang (14,5%).
Responden yang memiliki sikap positif terhadap pergaulan bebas 66 orang
(43,4%) dan sikap negatif 86 orang (56,6%). Hasil analisis Kendall Tau diperoleh
nilai p value sebesar 0,000 (p<0.05).
Simpulan. Terdapat hubungan antara komunikasi efektif tentang seksualitas
dalam keluarga dengan sikap remaja terhadap pergaulan bebas.
Kata Kunci: Komunikasi Efektif, Remaja. Pergaulan Bebas
Background: The attitude to receiver or reject free sex by adolescents is
influenced by many aspects, and one of which is the communication level
between the parents and their adolescent children. An effective communication
done by the parents and the adolescents on the sexual tipics has an important in
influencing the adolescents’ attitude of free sex. Objective to investigate the
correlation between the effective communication on sexuality in family and the
adolescents’ attitude of free sex.
Method: this research used the observational analytical method with the cross
sectional design. The samples of research consisted of 152 respondents and were
taken by using the proportionate random sampling. The data of research were
collected through questionnaire, and statistically analyzed by using the Kendall
Tau’s formula.
Result: 25 respondents (16,5%), had a high level of effective communication, 105
respondents (69,1%) had a medium level of effective communication, and 22
respondents (14,5%) had a low level of effective communication. In addition, 66
respondents (43,4%) had a positive attitude of the free sex, whereas the rest 66
(56,6%) had a negative attitude of the free sex. The result of analysis with the
Kendall Tau’s formula shows that the p-value was 0,000 (p<0,05).
Conclusion: there was correlation between the effective communication on
sexuality in family and the adolescents’ attitude of free sex.
Keywords: Effective Communication, Adolescents, free Sex