This research aims to reveal the interpersonal meaning analysis of The Editorial in The Jakarta Post and The Editorial in The Jakarta Globe relating the issue of Indonesian voters? characteristics. It is also conducted to reveal the similarities and differences between them. Finally, it aims to reveal the writers? reason in using interpersonal meaning, regarding the theory of mass media, media and election, and socio-cultural and political condition in Indonesia. Thus, it can reveal whether the results of this research correspond with those related theories or not.
This research belongs to descriptive qualitative research applying purposive sampling to select the data source. Thus, with several considerations, the editorials of The Jakarta Post (are we all bigots?) and The Jakarta Globe (smear campaign hide real message) are selected. In collecting data, it applies total sampling technique, since involving all of clauses within the texts. This research focuses on interpersonal meaning analysis, employing status and affect. Finally, the data are examined using „content analysis? and resulting several points;
First, generally, the analysis of lexicogrammar, and genre show equal status between the writer and the readers. It is realized by the domination proposition clauses in the texts. Meanwhile, the different tendency of the other aspects, for example, transitivity, and the different genre used by the text indicates that The Jakarta Post editorial is more implicit than The Jakarta Globe editorial in persuading the readers. Furthermore, affect of the two texts regarding the main issue is negative, realized by negative attitude and negative polarity within the clauses.
Second, based on the analysis of ideology, the reason of writers using interpersonal meaning is they want the election run well. The other reason is based on the socio-cultural and political situation of Indonesia that the writer does not commit to give opinion and certain stance related to governmental issue.
Therefore, third, the role of mass media of Indonesia is not completely appropriate as the role of mass media in the other democratic country, for example, United States. Although, shaping opinion in society, the interpersonal meaning of textsdoes not indicate the opinion directing the readers to believe one of candidates. However, the equal status indicated by the writers is one of motives in increasing the subscriber and obtaining profit for the newspapers? company.