Diabetes Mellitus (DM) adalah gangguan metabolisme kronis yang ditandai dengan tingginya kadar gula darah disertai dengan gangguan metabolisme karbohidrat, lipid dan protein sebagai akibat insufisiensi fungsi insulin.Diabetes Mellitus Tipe II seringkali disertai dengan berbagai pola hiperlipidemia.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi perubahan kadar lipid dalam darah pada pasien Diabetes MellitusTipe II pengguna Statin di rawat inap poliklinik penyakit dalam RSUD Dr. Moewardi sesuai tidak dengan target terapi menurut Guideline American Association of Clinical Endocrinologist (AACE) 2012 dan Guideline American Heart Association 2013.
Penelitian ini termasuk jenis penelitian deskriptif non eksperimental yang dilakukan secara retrospektif.Pengambilan data diperoleh dari data rekam medis yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi dengan teknik purposive sampling.Kriteria inklusi pada penelitian ini adalah pasien rawat inap poliklinik penyakit dalam RSUD Dr. Moewardi periode Januari – Desember 2014 dengan diagnosa Diabetes Mellitus Tipe II dengan atau tanpa penyakit penyerta, rentang usia = 30 tahun, mendapatkan terapi obat statin, dan kadar kolesterol total > 200 mg/dl, kolesterol LDL > 100 mg/dl. Analisis meliputi pasien yang mengalami penurunan kadar kolesterol dengan melihat nilai kadar kolesterol total dan LDL sebelum dan sesudah diberikan terapi statin.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pasien pengguna statinyang mengalami penurunan kadar lipid sebanyak 12 pasien, yang sesuai dengan target terapi menurut Guideline American Association of Clinical Endocrinologist (AACE) 2012 dan Guideline American Heart Association 2013 sebanyak 8 pasien, 4 pasien tidak sesuai dengan Guideline American Association of Clinical Endocrinologist (AACE) 2012 dan Guideline American Heart Association 2013.
Kata kunci : Diabetes Mellitus tipe II, statin, kolesterol total, LDL, penurunan kadar kolesterol
Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is a chronic metabolic disorder were characterized by high of blood sugar levels are accompanied by impaired metabolism of carbohydrates, lipids and proteins as a result of insufficiency of insulin function. One of the risk factors of Type II Diabetes Mellitus is hyperlipidemia. This study aims is evaluated the changes of blood lipid levels in Type II Diabetes Mellitus patients which administrated statin in ward installation of Dr. Moewardi Hospital in accordance with the therapy target according to the 2012 Guidelines American Association of Clinical Endocrinologist (AACE) and the 2012 Guidelines American Heart Association or not.
This research was included the non-experimental descriptive research was carried out retrospectively. The data was obtained from the medical records that met the inclusion criteria using purposive sampling technique. The inclusion criteria in this study were patient in ward installation of Dr. Moewardi Hospital in the period of January to December 2014, with a diagnosis of Type II Diabetes Mellitus with or without comorbidities, age range was> 30 years, administrated statin therapy, and cholesterol total level > 200 mg/dl, LDL > 100 mg/dl. The analysis was included the patients who were decreased cholesterol by looking at the value of total cholesterol level and LDL before and after of statin therapy.
The results were showed that patients administrated statins were decreased lipid levels is 13 patients, which in appropriate to the therapies target according to the 2012 Guideline American Association of Clinical Endocrinologist (AACE) and the 2013 Guidelines American Heart Association as many as 8 patients, 4 patients not in appropiate to the 2012 Guideline American Association of Clinical Endocrinologist (AACE) and the 2013 Guidelines American Heart Association.
Keywords : Type II Diabetes Mellitus, statin, total cholesterol level, LDL cholesterol levels, and cholesterol levels decrease