Penulis Utama | : | Ipuk Ika Rahayu |
NIM / NIP | : | R1114056 |
Latar belakang: Kehamilan menyebabkan terjadinya ketidaknyamanan atau keluhan fisik yang menimbulkan depresi. Peran bidan dalam hal ini sangat penting untuk memberikan pendidikan kesehatan. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui pengaruh pendidikan kesehatan terhadap sikap ibu dalam mengatasi ketidaknyamanan kehamilan TM III.
Metode: Penelitian kuantitatif menggunakan jenis quasi eksperimen dengan one group pre and posttest design. Pengambilan sampel menggunakan proportional random sampling sejumlah 42 responden. Instrumen penelitian menggunakan kuesioner. Analisis data menggunakan uji wilcoxon dengan bantuan SPSS.
Hasil penelitian: Sebelum diberi pendidikan kesehatan responden memiliki sikap negatif dengan persentase sebesar 52,4% dan setelah diberi pendidikan kesehatan memiliki sikap positif dengan persentase sebesar 64,3%. Hasil analisis dengan uji wilcoxon nilai p = 0.000 dan skor Z -3.561.
Kesimpulan: Ada pengaruh pendidikan kesehatan terhadap sikap ibu dalam mengatasi ketidaknyamanan kehamilan TM III di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Tawangsari Sukoharjo.
Kata kunci: Pendidikan kesehatan, sikap, ketidaknyamanan TM III
Background: Pregnancy causes the inconvenience or physical complaint which may induces depression. The midwife’s role to deal with it through health education is very important. Objective: To investigate the effect of the health education on the pregnant mothers’ attitude in dealing with the convenience during pregnancy of Trimester III.
Method: This research used the quasi experimental quantitative research method with the one group pre and posttest design. The samples of research were taken by using the proportionate random sampling technique and consisted of 42 respondents. The data of research were collected through questionnaire and statistically analyzed by using the Wilcoxon Test aided with the computer program of SPSS.
Result: Prior to the delivery of health education, 52.4% of the respondents had a negative attitude in dealing with the inconvenience during pregnancy of Trimester III. Following the delivery, 64.3% of the respondents had a positive attitude as indicated by the result of the Wilcoxon Test in which the p-value was 0.000, and the score of Z was -3.561.
Conclusion: There was an effect of the health education on the pregnant mothers attitude in dealing with the convenience during pregnancy of Trimester III at the working region of Community Health Center of Tawangsari, Sukoharjo.
Keywords: Health education, attitude, inconvenience during pregnancy of Trimester III
Penulis Utama | : | Ipuk Ika Rahayu |
Penulis Tambahan | : | - |
NIM / NIP | : | R1114056 |
Tahun | : | 2015 |
Judul | : | Pengaruh Pendidikan Kesehatan Terhadap Sikap Ibu Dalam Mengatasi Ketidaknyamanan Kehamilan TM III Di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Tawangsari Sukoharjo |
Edisi | : | |
Imprint | : | Surakarta - Fak. Kedokteran - 2015 |
Program Studi | : | D-4 Kebidanan Transfer |
Kolasi | : | |
Sumber | : | UNS-Fak. Kedokteran Program Diploma IV Bidan Pendidik-RIII4056-2015 |
Kata Kunci | : | |
Jenis Dokumen | : | Laporan Tugas Akhir (D IV) |
ISSN | : | |
ISBN | : | |
Link DOI / Jurnal | : | - |
Status | : | Public |
Pembimbing | : | |
Penguji | : | |
Catatan Umum | : | |
Fakultas | : | Fak. Kedokteran |
File | : | Harus menjadi member dan login terlebih dahulu untuk bisa download. |