Latar Belakang. Posyandu menjadi pelayanan kesehatan penting untuk bayi dan
balita, kunjungan balita di posyandu berkaitan dengan peran ibu sebagai orang
yang paling bertanggungjawab terhadap kesehatan balitanya, dipengaruhi
kunjungan ibu yaitu pendidikan, status pekerjaan, tingkat pengetahuan, dan umur
balita. Tujuan penelitian mengetahui hubungan pengetahuan ibu tentang posyandu
dengan frekuensi kunjungan balita ke Posyandu di Wilayah II Puskesmas
Ngoresan Surakarta.
Metode. Analitik observasional dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Populasi ibu
balita di Wilayah II Puskesmas Ngoresan sebanyak 184 orang. Pengambilan
sampel sejumlah 126 menggunakan probability sampling. Instrumen penelitian
menggunakan kuesioner. Uji statistik menggunakan Coefficient Contingency
dengan a 5%.
Hasil. Tingkat pengetahuan responden baik sebanyak 49,21% dan kunjungan
teratur balita sebanyak 62,70%. Analisis data diperoleh nilai p = 0,000 dan r =
Simpulan. Ada hubungan pengetahuan ibu tentang posyandu dengan frekuensi
kunjungan balita ke Posyandu di Wilayah II Puskesmas Ngoresan Surakarta.
Kata kunci : Pengetahuan, Kunjungan Balita, Posyandu
Background. Posyandu becomes important health services for infants and
children, children visitation in posyandu is related to the role of mother as the
most responsible person for the children’s health, mother's visitation influenced
by the education, employment status, level ofknowledge, and children’s age.
Objective. To Investigate the correlation between the mother knowledge about
posyandu with children frequency visitation At Posyandu In Region II Ngoresan
Community Health Center Surakarta.
Method. Observational analytic with cross sectional approach.The population are
mothers of children In Region II Ngoresan Community Health Centeras many as
184 people. The sampling method used Probability Sampling. Large sample size
of 126 people, the research instrument used questionnaires.The statistical tests
used the Coefficient Contingency with a=5%.
Result. Good knowledge as much as 49,21% of respondents either and visit as
much as 49,21% regulary children visitation. On the p-value=0,000; (r)=0,422.
Conclusions. There is a correlation between mother knowledge about posyandu
frequency with children frequency visitation At Posyandu In Region II Ngoresan
Community Health Center Surakarta.
Key words: Knowledge, children visitation , Posyandu