Pembelajarantematikterpaduadalahpembelajaran yang memadukanantara
Berbagaimatapelajaran,sehinggamemberikanpengalaman yang bermaknabagipesertadidik.Metodepembelajarantematikterpaduuntukmeningktkanmotivasi
danhasilbelajarmatapelajaranIPA.Tujuandalampenelitianiniyaitu (1)Pelaksa-naanpembelajarantematikterpaduuntukmeningkatkanmotivasidanhasilbelajar
matapelajaran IPA kelas 1 SD Negeri 1 JatikulonKecamatanJatiKudus.(2)Pem-
IPA kelas 1 SD Negeri 1 JatikulonKecamatanJati Kudus.(3)Pembelajarantema-tikterpaduuntukmeninngkatkanhasilbelajarmatapelajaran IPA kelas 1 SD
Negeri 1 JatikulonKecamatanJati Kudus.
Hasilpenelitianmenunjukkanpadakondisiawalketerampilan guru diperoleh 56%, siklus I diperoleah 68%, siklus II diperoleh 84%, dansiklus III diperoleh 85%,presentasi inya79% denganindikatorkeberhasilan 75%.Motivasi belajardiperoleh 54%, siklus I diperoleh 58,5%, siklus II diperoleh 76%, siklus III diperoleh 82%, presentasinya 75% denganindikatorkeberhasilan 75%. Sedangkanhasilbelajarmatapelajaran IPA padakondisiawaldiperoleh 21,24%,siklus I diperoleh 45,24%,siklus II diperoleh 73,80%,sedangkan padasiklus III 83,33%. presentasinya 80% dengan indikatorkeberhasilan 80%.
Kata kunci: TematikTerpadu, Motivasi, HasilBelajar IPA
IntegratedTheme Learning is the learning process integrates some materials of subject in order to give students the meaningful of learning experience.This learning method is for Increasing motivation and student achievement of science subject Matter at 1st Grade of Elementary School SD Negeri 1 JatikulonKudus. The purpose limitation of this research are (1)The process of Integrated Theme Learning done for increasing learning motivationof Science sunject matter at the first grade of elementary school SD Negeri 1 Jatikulon Kudus. (2)Integrated Thematic Learning able to increase student’s motivation in learning subject matter at the first grade of elementary school SD Negeri 1 Jatikulon Kudus. (3) Integrated Thematic Learning able to improve student’s achievement in learning subject matter at grade of elementary school SD Negeri 1 Jatikulon Kudus.
The result of this research shows that (1) the early condition of teacher’s skill is 56%, then it gets 68% at cycle I,and 84% at cycle II, finally it reaches 85% at cycle III. It is about 79% with the mastery indicator is 75%. (2) Student’s learning motivation student’s at the previous time is 54%, then it is 58.5% at cycle I, and 76% at cycle II, finally it gets 82% at cycle III. It is about75% with the mastery indicator is 75% too. (3) Student’s condition at the previous time before doing the treatment is 21,42% in classical mastery by means of score is 59,2 increase at cycle I becomes 45,24% by means of score is 68,21 and at cycle II becomes increasing 73,80% by means of score is 80,11, and at cycle III becomes increasing 83,33% by means of score is 83,33%. It is about80% with the mastery indicator is 75% .
Key words: Integrated Thematic, Motivation, Student’s Achievement of Science