Latar Belakang: Penyebab kematian perinatal di Indonesia adalah asfiksia neonatorum, BBLR, Infeksi dan trauma persalinan. Kehamilan lewat bulan merupakan salah satu faktor penyebab air ketuban keruh bercampur mekonium yang dapat menyebabkan komplikasi terjadinya sindrom aspirasi mekonium, asfiksia neonatorum dan infeksi neonatal.
Tujuan Penelitian: Mengetahui hubungan antara kehamilan lewat bulan dan kejadian air ketuban keruh di RSUD Surakarta.
Metode Penelitian: Penelitian dengan rancangan case control dengan prosedur matching. Populasi semua ibu bersalin dengan jumlah sampel 30 sampel untuk masing-masing kelompok kasus dan kontrol. Analisa data menggunakan Rasio odds dan McNemar.
Hasil Penelitian: Perhitungan Rasio odds (RO) berdasarkan tabel 2x2 sebesar 4 dan uji signifikasi McNemar didapatkan p (0.375) > a (0.05).
Simpulan: Ibu bersalin dengan kehamilan lewat bulan lebih berisiko mengalami air ketuban keruh 4 lebih besar dibandingkan dengan kehamilan cukup dan kurang bulan. Kehamilan lewat bulan bukan faktor utama yang menyebabkan air ketuban keruh ditunjukkan hasil uji signifikasi McNemar didapatkan hasil p-signifikan (0.375) > a (0.05).
Kata Kunci: Kehamilan Lewat Bulan, Air Ketuban Keruh, Matching
Background: The causes of perinatal mortality In Indonesia are asphyxia neonatarum, lower birth weight, infection, and birth trauma. Prolonged pregnancy is one of the factors that cause cloudy amniotic fluid mixed with meconium, which may cause complications of meconium aspiration syndrome, asphyxia and neonatal infection.
Objective: To investigate the correlation between the prolonged pregnancy and the cloudy amniotic fluid incidence at Local General Hospital of Surakarta.
Method: This research used the case control design with the matching design. The population of research was all of the mothers giving birth. The samples of research consisted of 60 samples, 30 in case (experimental) group and 30 in control group. The data of research were analyzed by using the odd ratio and McNemar.
Result: The odd ratio calculation based on the Table 2x2 was 4 and the significance value based on the McNemar was p = 0.375 > a = 0.05.
Conclusion: Mothers giving birth with prolonged pregnancy had the risk of four times larger compared those with the less and full term pregnancies. The prolonged pregnancy is not the main factor that causes the amniotic fluid is to be cloudy as indicated by the significance test of p = 0.375> a = 0.05.
Keywords: Prolonged pregnancy, cloudy amniotic fluid, matching