Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui faktoranthropometridankemampuanfisik yang dominanterhadapWheelchair race.
Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan menggunakan rancangananalisis faktor konfirmatori.Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah semua atlet wheelchair race di Jawa tengah berjumlah 14 orang. Variabel dalam penelitian ini terdiri dari 5 (lima) variabel bebas (independent) yaitu Panjanglengan, berat badan, Kekuatanototperut, fleksibilitas togok, power otot lengan dan 1 (satu) variabel terikat (dependent) yaitu prestasi wheelchair raceTeknik pengumpulan data dengan tes dan pengukuran. Data yang dikumpulkan yaitu kondisi fisik dan antropometri diantaranya adalah power otot lengan dengan tes medicene ball, kekuatan otot perut dengan sit up test, flexsibilitas togok dengan sit and rise, panjang lengan diukur dengan alat ukur meteran dan berat badan dengan timbangan.
Hasil penelitian yaitu faktor yang dominanpadawheelchair raceatau yang memilikinilaikomp : kekuatan otot lengandengannilaikomponenfaktorsebesar 0.858, berat badan dengan nilai 0,834 fleksibilitas togok dengannilaikomponenfaktorsebesar 0.783, panjang lengan dengannilaikomponenfaktorsebesar 0.728.
Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diperoleh simpulan sebagai berikut : (1) Faktor anthropmetri dan Faktor kondisi fisik yang dominan berpengaruh pada atlet wheelchair race di Jawa Tengah yang pertama adalah power otot lengan, berat badan, pfleksibilitas togok.dan selanjutnya panjang lengan
Kata Kunci :Anthropometri, KondisiFisik, wheelchair race
The research aim is to know the factor which dominant factors antropometry and physical ability in the wheelchair race.
this research used the qualitative approach by using confirmatory factor analysis design. The population of this research is all the central java wheelchair race athletes which consist of 14 athletes. The variables in this study consists of five independent variables (independent), namely Long sleeves, weight, abdominal muscle strength, flexibility togok, muscle power arm and dependent variable (dependent) ie the achievement of wheelchair race with the data collection technique test and measurement.The collecting data techniques are test and measurement. The data collected is the physical condition and the anthropometry of which is muscle power arm with ball medicene test, the strength of the abdominal muscles with sit-up test, flexsibilitastogok to sit and rise, arm length was measured by a meter and weight scales.
The collected data are the physical condition and anthropometry such as the power ofarmtendonmeasured by push up test, the power ofabdomenttendonmeasured by sit up test, the arm length measured by gage, and the weight measured by scale. The result of the research is the dominant factor in the wheelchair race or the factor of component which has the value = ¦0,5¦ are : the component factor value of hand tendon mass power is 0.858; the weights is 0.834; the Togok flexibility is 0.783; the arm length is 0.728.
Based on the research, it can be concluded that: (1) the dominant factor of anthropometry which influenced on the wheelchair race athlete in central java are the weight and the arm length. (2) The dominant physical condition factor which influenced on the wheelchair race athlete in central java are the power of armtendon and the flexibility of togok.
keyword: anthropometry, physical condition, wheelchair race