Tujuan dari penulisanini adalah untuk menganalisisrasio Profitabilitas dan rasio Aktivitas Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI). Rasio Profitabilitas diwakili oleh ROA(Return On Assets), sedangkan rasio Aktivitas diwakili oleh CAR (Capital Adequacy Ratio), NPL (Non Performing Loan), dan LDR (Loan to Deposit Ratio) BRI dengan rasio Bank lain serta standar Bank Indonesia (BI).
Analisis data dalam penulisan ini menggunakan analisis deskriptif dengan membandingkan rasio ROA, CAR, NPL dan LDR antara BRI dengan Bank Lain serta BRI dengan standar BI. Data yang digunakan diperoleh dari majalah Infobank bulan Juni tahun 2010 – 2014.
Dari hasil analisis rasio ROA BRI tahun 2009-2013 sebesar 4,70% di atas rata-rata Bank lain sebesar 2,43%. Kemudian rasio CAR BRI tahun 2009-2013 sebesar 15,18% di bawah rata-rata Bank lain sebesar 15,86%. Rasio NPL BRI tahun 2009-2013 sebesar 1,90% di atas rata-rata Bank lain sebesar 1,39%. Terakhir rasio LDR BRI tahun 2009-2013 sebesar 80,13% dibawah rata-rata Bank lain 82,84%. Tetapi jika dibandingkan dengan standar BI rasio ROA, CAR, dan LDR BRI masih diatas rata-rata dan rasio NPL di bawah rata-rata.
Kata kunci: rasio ROA, CAR, NPL, LDR
The purpose of this writingis to analyzethe Profitability ratio and Activity ratio Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI). Profitability ratio represented by ROA (Return On Assets),while the activity ratio represented by CAR (Capital Adequacy Ratio), NPL (Non Performing Loan), LDR (Loan to Deposit Ratio) BRI with the ratios of others Bank and the standard of Bank of Indonesia.
Data analyze in this writing using the analyze deskriptif with compare the CAR, ROA, NPL, LDR ratios between BRI with others Bank as well as BRI with standard BI. The data used was obtained from infobank magazine June years 2010-2014.
From the results of analyze ROA BRI ratio years 2009-2013 4,70% on average with others Bank 2,43%. Then CAR BRI ratio years 2009-2013 15,18% under the average with others Bank 15,86%.NPL BRI Bank ratio years 2009-2013 1,90% on average with others Bank 1,39%. The last LDR BRI Bank ratio years 2009-2013 80,13% under the average with others Bank 82,84%. But if compared with the standard BI, CAR, ROA, LDR ratios BRI are still above average and NPL ratio under the average.
Keywords: CAR, ROA, NPL, LDR ratios