LatarBelakang: Kanker serviks masih merupakan penyebab umum kematian paling
sering pada keganasan di bidang ginekologi di Indonesia. Penatalaksanaan kanker
serviks stadium lanjut sampai saat ini masih belum bisa memperbaiki prognosisnya.
Intervensi kemoterapi dalam pengobatan kanker serviks stadium lanjut menimbulkan
stres psikologis pada pasien, reaksi terhadap agen inflamasi dari daerah luka akan
menyebabkan terjadinya rangsangan pada hipotalamus-hipofisis-adrenal axis (HPAaxis)
dengan dampak meningkatnya seksresi ACTH oleh hipofisis anterior yang
selanjutnya korteks adrenal akan terangsang untuk mensekresi kortisol.
Tujuan: Menganalisa adanya perbedaan kadar kortisol serum pada pasien kanker
serviks stadium lanjut sesudah intervensi psikoterapi Cognitive Behavior Therapy
(CBT) dengan terapi standar.
MetodePenelitian: Jenis penelitian adalah experimental double blind non randomized
clinical trial post test group design. Dari 30 subyek penelitian, dibagi dalam 2
kelompok (terapi standar tanpa CBT dan terapi standar dengan intervensi CBT) dan
setiap kelompok terdiri dari 15subjek.
Hasil: Nilai mean kadar kortisol pada kelompok terapi standar tanpa CBT 11,41±7,34,
dan kelompok terapi standar dengan CBT 1,03±0,71. Kadar kortisol pada kelompok
terapi standar tanpa CBT didapatkan nilai mean lebih tinggi (11,41±7,34) dibandingkan
dengan nilai mean kelompok terapi standar dengan CBT (1,03±0,71) dengan nilai
Kesimpulan: Terdapat perbedaan penurunan kadar kortisol serum yang signifikan pada
kelompok yang mendapatkan terapi standar dengan intervensi CBT. Pemberian CBT
efektif menurunkan kadar kortisol serum pasien pada pasien kanker serviks stadium
lanjut yang sudah diberikan terapi standar.
Kata kunci: Kortisol, CBT, Kanker serviks stadium lanjut
Background: Cervical cancer is the most leading cause of death in malignancy of in
gynecology area in Indonesia. The management of advanced stage-cervical cancer has
not been able to improve its prognosis currently. Chemotherapy intervention in
advanced stage-cervical cancer results in psychological stress among the patients, and
reaction against inflammation agent in lesion area will result in stimulation in
hypothalamus-hypophysis-adrenal axis (HPA-axis) leading to increased secretion of
ACTH by anterior hypophysis and then stimulating adrenal cortex to secrete cortisol.
Objective: To analyze the difference of cortisol level in advanced-stage cervical cancer
patient after cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) and standard therapy interventions.
Method: This study was an experimental double blind non-randomized clinical trial
post test group design. The 30 subjects of research were divided into 2 groups (standard
therapy without CBT and standard therapy with CBT intervention) and each group
consisted of 15 subjects.
Result:The mean score of cortisol level in the standard therapy group without CBT was
11.41 ± 7.34, and that with CBT was 1.03 ± 0.71. Cortisol level of the standard therapy
group without CBT was higher (11.41 ± 7.34) compared with that of group with CBT
(1.03 ± 0.71) with p value = 0.00 (<0.05).
Conclusion: There was a significantly different decrease in serum cortisol level in the
group receiving standard therapy with CBT intervention. The administration of CBT
effectively lowered the serum cortisol level in the advanced stage-cervical cancer
patient who had received standard therapy.
Keywords: Cortisol, CBT, advanced stage-cervical cancer.