Penulis Utama : Sri Mawarti
NIM / NIP : F3512084

Penelitian ini merupakan hasil dari kegiatan magang yang telah dilakukan di PT. Guwatirta Sejahtera selama bulan Januari 2015. Penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif serta bertujuan untuk menganalisis kebijakan program Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) dan kendala dalam pelaksanaannya pada PT. Guwatirta Sejahtera. Dalam menemukan informasi terkait program Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), peneliti melakukan observasi dan ikut serta dalam kegiatan Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) yang diadakan PT. Guwatirta Sejahtera.
Program Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) pada PT. Guwatirta Sejahtera ada 2 jenis yakni, terprpogram dan tidak terprogram.Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) secara terprogram meliputi bidang pedidikan, bidang kesehatan, bidang sosial, dan bidang keagamaan. Sedangkan Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) secara tidak terprogram meliputi berbagai kegiatan dari bentuk kerja sama antara pihak luar dengan PT. Guwatirta Sejahtera dan dalam pelaksanaannya hanya terjadi sekali dan tidak dilakukan rutin setiap tahunnya.
Pelaksanaan program Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) pada PT. Guwatirta Sejahtera tentu menemui kendala yang dapat menghambat jalannya program tersebut.Kendala yang dihadapi ialah kurangnya tenaga ahli dalam perusahaan untuk menangani program Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) serta miss communication antar karyawan yang menyebabkan kegiatan sosial yang dilakukan kurang berjalan dengan lancar dan kompak. Selain itu juga kurangnya keseriusan PT. Guwatirta Sejahtera untuk program Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) sebagai kewajiban perusahaan.
Sebagai penanganan atas masalah dan kendala yang dialami PT. Guwatirta Sejahtera, maka perlu bagi perusahaan untuk menyediakan tenanga ahli dalam kepengurusan program Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) dan menjaga keselarasan antar pegawai agar menciptakan komunikasi yang baik dalam perusahaan. Selain itu perusahaan harus mempunyai komitmen dan kewajiban untuk melakukan Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) sebagai tanggung jawab perusahaan terhadap masyarakat dan lingkungan sekitar.
Kata kunci: Corporate Social Responsibility, CSR, tanggung jawab sosial.
This study is the result of the internship activities that have been conducted in PT. Guwatirta Sejahtera during the month of January 2015. This study is descriptive and aims to analyze the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) policy and the constraints in implementation at PT. Guwatirta Sejahtera. In finding the information related to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), researcher was conducted observations and participated in the activities of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) which was held by PT. Guwatirta Sejahtera.
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) at PT. Guwatirta Sejahtera there are two types i.e., programmed and not programmed. The programmed Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in covering of education, health, social, and religious fields. While not programmed Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) are including the various activity of cooperation between the parties outside the PT. Guwatirta Sejahtera and in practice only occurs once and is not done routinely every year.
The implementation of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) at the PT. Guwatirta Sejahtera is certainly encounters obstacles that can impede the course of the program. The constraints were faced is the lack of expertise within the company to deal with Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) as well as miss communications between employees which led to the social activities carried less running smoothly and compact. There was also a lack of seriousness of PT. Guwatirta Sejahtera for Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) as a company’s responsibility.
As the handling of problems and constraints were experienced by PT. Guwatirta Sejahtera, then the company needs to provide expert labor in the management of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and maintain harmony among employees in order to create good communication within the company. In addition the company should have the commitment and the obligation to carry out Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) as corporate responsibility towards society and the environment.
Keywords: Corporate Social Responsibility, CSR, social responsibility.

Penulis Utama : Sri Mawarti
Penulis Tambahan : -
NIM / NIP : F3512084
Tahun : 2015
Judul : Analisis Kebijakan Program Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Dan Kendala dalam Pelaksanaanya Pada PT. Guwatirta Sejahtera
Edisi :
Imprint : Surakarta - F. Ekonomi dan Bisnis - 2015
Program Studi : D-3 Manajemen Industri
Kolasi :
Sumber : UNS-F. Ekonomi dan Bisnis Prog. DIII Manajemen Bisnis-F3512084-2015
Kata Kunci :
Jenis Dokumen : Laporan Tugas Akhir (D III)
Link DOI / Jurnal : -
Status : Public
Pembimbing : 1. Sunarjanto, MM
Penguji :
Catatan Umum :
Fakultas : Fak. Ekonomi dan Bisnis
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