Latar Belakang: Olahraga sangat diperlukan untuk meregangkan otot tubuh. Peregangan otot tubuh mengakibatkan berkurangnya rasa sakit sebelum menstruasi. Gejala sindrom pramenstruasi terjadi pada usia reproduktif sebanyak 80% termasuk di lingkungan SMP. Hal tersebut dikarenakan berbagai faktor salah satunya yaitu olahraga. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan aktivitas olahraga dengan gejala sindrom pramenstruasi pada siswi kelas VIII di SMPN 4 Surakarta
Metode Penelitian: Desain observasional analitik dengan rancangan cross sectional. Teknik sampling yang digunakan proporsional random sampling dengan jumlah sampel 120 siswi. Instrumen penelitian menggunakan kuesioner. Analisa data menggunakan uji statistik Lambda.
Hasil Penelitian: Status aktivitas olahraga 110 siswi (91,7 %) baik dan 10 siswi (8,3 %) tidak baik. Gejala sindrom pramenstruasi 90 siswi (75 %) ringan, 28 siswi (23,3%) sedang, dan 2 siswi (1,7%) berat. Hasil uji statistik Lambda yaitu p=0.020 (p < 0.05) dengan r=0.396.
Kesimpulan: Terdapat hubungan yang bermakna antara aktivitas olahraga dengan gejala sindrom pramenstruasi pada siswi kelas VIII di SMPN 4 Surakarta.
Kata kunci : Aktivitas Olahraga, Gejala Sindrom Pramenstruasi, Siswi SMP
Background: Sport is very much required to stretch the muscles, which may reduce the pain prior to menstruation. The pre-menstrual syndrome symptoms as much as 80 % occur in the reproductive age including the female students of Junior Secondary School. This is due to many factors including sport activities. Objective: To investigate the correlation between the sport activities and the pre-menstrual syndrome symptoms of the female students in Grade VIII of State Junior Secondary School 4 of Surakarta.
Method: This research used the observational analytical research method with the cross sectional design. The samples of research consisted of 120 students and were taken by using the proportionate random sampling technique. The data of research were collected through questionnaire and statistically analyzed by using the Lambda formula.
Result: 110 female students (91.7%) had good sport activities, and the rest 10 female students (8.3 %) did not have good sport activities. In addition, 90 female students (75%) had mild pre-menstrual syndromes, 28 female students (23.3%) had moderate pre-menstrual syndromes, and 2 female students (1.7%) had severe pre-menstrual syndromes. The result of statistical test with the Lambda formula was p= 0.020 (p < 0.05) with r= 0.396.
Conclusion: There was a significant correlation between the sport activities and the pre-menstrual syndromes of the female students in Grade VIII of State Junior Secondary School 4 of Surakarta.
Keywords: Sport activities, pre-menstrual syndrome symptoms, female students of Junior Secondary School