Penulis Utama : Fitri Faturahmi
NIM / NIP : S531308033

Latar Belakang : Seribu hari pertama kehidupan merupakan jendela kesempatan masa
pertumbuhan dan perkembangan yang sangat pesat, sehingga sering diistilahkan sebagai
periode emas sekaligus periode kritis. Praktik pemberian makan (Feeding Practice)
yang baik dan tepat sangat penting untuk kelangsungan hidup, pertumbuhan,
perkembangan, kesehatan dan gizi bayi dan anak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat
pengaruh edukasi gizi feeding practice terhadap status gizi anak usia 6-24 bulan dengan
indeks z-skor BB/U dan indeks z-skor BB/TB. .
Metode : Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian quasi experimental menggunakan
rancangan pre-post test with control group. Subjek penelitian adalah anak usia 6-24
bulan dengan status gizi kurang di enam wilayah puskesmas di Kota Cimahi. Sebanyak
72 subjek penelitian yang dipilih dengan menggunakan metode simple random
sampling. Teknik pengumpulan data dengan wawancara langsung, pengukuran
antropometri dan pengisian kuesioner. Data dianalisis dengan uji t-independen dan
regresi linier dan diolah dengan SPSS 17.0 for Windows dengan nilai signifikansi
p<0,05 pada tingkat kemaknaan 95%.
Hasil : Terdapat hubungan positif antara edukasi gizi dan z-skor BB/U dan BB/TB,
meskipun secara statistik tidak signifikan. Indeks z-skor BB/U(b=0,2;CI 95%; p=0,09),
Indeks z-skor BB/TB (b=0,13;CI 95%;p=0,51).
Simpulan : Terdapat pengaruh positif edukasi gizi feeding practice terhadap status gizi
anak usia 6-24 bulan dengan indeks z-skor BB/U dan BB/TB, walaupun secara statistik
tidak signifikan.
Kata kunci : Edukasi Feeding Practice, Status gizi indeks BB/U dan BB/TB.
Background: The first two years of life provide a critical window of opportunity for
ensurin growth and development through optimal feeding, so it
is believed as the golden period and critical period at the same time. A good and proper
feeding practice is very essential for live sustainability, growth, development, health
and nutrition of infants and children. This study aimed to know the effects of nutrition
education Feeding Practice on the nutritional status of children aged 6-24 months with
the index z-score weight of age and the index z-score weight of height.
Method: This study was quasi-experimental using pre-post test with control group
research design. The subjects were children aged ranged 6 until 24 months with
undernutrition status. A total of 72 research subjects were randomly selected. Data
collected by direct interview, anthropometric measurement and questionnaire. The data
were analyzed using independent t-test analysis and linear regression analysis and
processed with SPSS 17.0 for Windows with p<0,05 and confidence interval 95%
considered as significant.
Results: There were a positive relationship between nutrition education and z-scores
weight of age (b = 0.2; CI 95%; p = 0.09), and z-score weight of height (b = 0.13; CI
95%; p = 0.51). Eventhough these were not statistically significant.
Conclusions: There were a positive effect of nutrition education eeding Practice on
nutritional status of children aged 6-24 months with the index weight of age and the
index z-score weight of height, eventhough these were not statistically significant.
Keywords: Feeding Practice Education, Nutritional Status index z-score weight of age
and the index z-score weight of height.