Latar Belakang: Kecelakaan sering terjadi akibat kondisi tempat kerja, bahan, dan alat kerja yang kurang aman digunakan dan dipakai saat bekerja. Tujuan penelitian adalah mengetahui implementasi Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment Controls (HIRAC) pada Area Hall C Sub Departemen Produksi Perkakas sebagai upaya mendukung terwujudnya CIPTA 2023 PT. Pindad (Persero) Divisi Munisi Turen-Malang Jawa Timur.
Metode Penelitian: Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif guna untuk mengetahui tahapan penerapan Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment (HIRAC) pada Area Hall C Sub Departemen Produksi Perkakas, kemudian dianalisis dengan OHSAS 18001:2007 dan peraturan atau standar lain yang terkait.
Hasil Penelitian: Area Hall C Sub Departemen Produksi Perkakas memiliki jenis potensi bahaya, antara lain: bahaya elektrik, bahaya ergonomik, bahaya mekanik, dan bahaya fisik lainnya. Sedangkan untuk impact rate diketahui potensi bahaya masih tergolong pada level rendah/low (L) sampai dengan menengah/medium (M). Untuk upaya pengendalian dilakukan secara administrasi kontrol, rekayasa teknik, dan penyediaan APD.
Simpulan Penelitian: Pihak perusahaan sudah mengimplementasikan prosedur Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment Controls (HIRAC) sesuai dengan OHSAS 18001:2007 Klausul 4.3.1 dan peraturan lain yang terkait. Saran yang disampaikan adalah perlu peningkatan program K3 melalui kepedulian, tanggung jawab, komunikasi yang baik, serta peran aktif bersama baik dari pihak manajemen perusahaan maupun para pekerja. Hal ini bertujuan untuk menciptakan meningkatkan produktivitas kerja dan kredibilitas perusahaan guna mewujudkan program CIPTA 2023 PT. Pindad (Persero) Divisi Munisi Turen-Malang Jawa Timur.
Kata Kunci: HIRAC, OHSAS 18001:2007, CIPTA 2023.
Background: Accidents often occur as a result of workplace conditions, materials, and tools that are insecure to use and wear while working. The objective of research is to determine the implementation of Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment Controls (HIRAC) in Hall C Area Sub Department of Tools Production as an effort to support the CIPTA 2023 realization of PT. Pindad (Persero) Division of Munitions Turen-Malang, East Java
Methods: This research is using descriptive method in order to determine the application stage of Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment (HIRAC) in Hall C Area Sub Department of Tools Production, then analyzed with the OHSAS 18001: 2007 and regulations or other relevant standards.
Results: Hall C Area Sub Department of Tools Production has several types of potential hazards, such as: electrical hazards, ergonomic hazards, mechanical hazards, and other physical hazards. More over for the impact rate of hazard potent is still relatively known at lower (L) level up to medium (M) level. For the control measures are held by administrative control, engineering, and provision of Protective Personal Equipment (PPE).
Conclusion: Company has implemented the procedures of Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment Controls (HIRAC) in accordance with OHSAS 18001: 2007 Clause 4.3.1 and other relevant regulations. But the program of HSE should be improved by applying awareness, responsibilities, good communications, as well as all active action from all occupants both from the company management division and the employees. It aims to create and improve the labor productivity as well as the credibility of the company in order to realize the CIPTA 2023 program of PT. Pindad (Persero) Division of Munitions Turen-Malang, East Java.
Keywords: HIRAC, OHSAS 18001:2007, CIPTA 2023.