Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk meningkatkan kualitas proses
pembelajaran dan keterampilan menulis karangan narasi melalui model
pembelajaran kooperatif tipe picture and picture pada siswa kelas IV SD Negeri 1
Karanglo Polanharjo Klaten tahun ajaran 2014/2015.
Bentuk penelitian ini adalah penelitian tindakan kelas (PTK) yang
dilaksanakan dalam dua siklus. Tiap siklus terdiri dari empat tahap, yaitu
perencanaan, pelaksanaan, observasi, dan refleksi. Subjek penelitian adalah siswa
kelas IV SD Negeri 1 Karanglo Polanharjo Klaten tahun ajaran
2014/2015.Dengan jumlah sebanyak 33 siswa. Sumber data berasal dari guru
kelas IV, data nilai keterampilan menulis karangan narasi prasiklus dan saat
tindakan. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah hasil observasi,
wawancara, dokumentasi, dan tes. Validitas data yang digunakan adalah
triangulasi sumber dan triangulasi teknik. Analisis data yang digunakan adalah
model analisis interaktif yang mempunyai tiga buah komponen yaitu reduksi data,
sajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan.
Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, hasil kualitas proses pembelajaran dari
pretest yaitu 2,34 (kurang efektif) dengan persentase 58,5%, siklus I 2,85( efektif)
dengan persentase 71,25% sampai dengan siklus II 3,5 (sangat efektif) dengan
persentase sebesar 87,5% dan nilai rata-rata keterampilan menulis karangan narasi
siswa pada prasiklus adalah 63,2 dengan persentase ketercapaian kelas sebesar
29% siswa yang mencapai batas nilai KKM sebesar 70. Pada siklus I, nilai ratarata
kelas meningkat menjadi 70 dengan persentase ketercapaian kelas sebesar
52%. Pada siklus II, nilai rata-rata kelas meningkat 80,02 dengan persentase
ketercapaian kelas sebesar 90%.
Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa model pembelajaran
kooperatif tipe picture and picture dapat meningkatkan kualitas proses
pembelajaran dan keterampilan menulis karangan narasi pada siswa kelas IV SD
Negeri 1 Karanglo Polanharjo Klaten tahun ajaran 2014/2015.
Kata Kunci: Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif tipe picture and picture,
Keterampilan Menulis Karangan Narasi, Kualitas Proses Pembelajaran.
The objective of this study is to improve the quality of the learning process
and the narrative essay writing skill by using the cooperative learning model type
picture and picture for the students of the fourth grade at SD N 1 Karanglo
Polanharjo Klaten in the academic year 2014/2015.
The type of this research is Class Action Research which was carried out
in two (2) cycles. Every cycle consists of four steps. They are planning,
implementation, observation, reflection. The subject of this research is the
students of the fourth grade at SD N 1 Karanglo Polanharjo Klaten in the
academic year 2014/2015. It consists of 33 students. The writer took the source of
the data from the teacher of the fourth grade, the mark data of narrative essay
writing skill in pracycle, and in action. The writer obtained the data from
observation result, interview, document and test. The validity of data used are the
source of triangulation and the technique of triangulation. The data analysis used
an interactive analysis data. It consists of three components namely data
reduction, data serving, and taking conclusion.
Based on the research result increased quality of the learning process of
the pretest is 2.34 (less effective) with a percentage of 58.5%, the first cycle 2,85
(effectively) with a percentage of 71.25% to the second cycle of 3.5 (very
effective) with a percentage of 87.5% and of the average mark of the narrative
wriing skill for the students of the fourth grade in pracycle is 63,2. It means that
the class achievement percentage is 29% students can reach the minimal
achievement criteria mark 70. In the fist cycle, the class average mark is 70. It
means that the class achievement percentage is 52%. In the second cycle, the class
average mark became 80,02. It means that the class achievement percentage is
From the data and the result of the study above, the writer concluded that
the cooperative learning model type picture and picture can be used to increase the
quality of the learning process and the narrative essay writing skill for the
students of the fourth grade a SD N 1 Karanglo Polanharjo Klaten in the academic
year 2014/2015.
The kay word: The cooperative Learning Model type picture and picture,
Narrative EssayWriting Skill, the quality of the learning process