Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi dan mendeskripsikan : (1) pelaksanaan pembelajaran ragam hias dengan model Project Based Learning dan pendekatan Saintifik kelas VIII H SMPN 7 Madiun tahun ajaran 2014/2015; (2) Keberhasilan dan hambatan pembelajaran ragam hias dengan model Project Based Learning dan pendekatan Saintifik kelas VIII H SMPN 7 Madiun tahun ajaran 2014/2015.
Pendekatan penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan menggunakan jenis penelitian studi kasus. Sumber data yang digunakan informan, tempat dan peristiwa, dokumen dan arsip. Teknik sampling yang digunakan adalah purposive sampling. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Validitas data yang digunakan adalah triangulasi sumber dan review informan. Analisis data yang digunakan analisis model alir.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pelaksanaan pembelajaran ragam hias dengan model Project Based Learning dan pendekatan Saintifik kelas VIII H SMPN 7 Madiun melalui beberapa langkah yaitu: a) guru menentukan tema proyek, b) guru dan peserta didik merancang langkah penyelesaian proyek pembuatan ragam hias, c) penyelesaian proyek dengan fasilitasi dan monitoring guru, d) publikasi hasil proyek melalui presentasi hasil karya ragam hias, e) penilaian hasil karya ragam hias.
Langkah pendekatan Saintifik yang dilaksanakan dalam pembelajaran yaitu; a) sebagian besar kelompok telah mengamati contoh motif ragam hias dari buku dan internet, b) guru dan peserta didik melakukan kegiatan tanya jawab mengenai pengertian, motif, teknik, dan solusi dari hambatan pembuatan karya, c) sebagian besar peserta didik telah mengumpulkan informasi tentang materi ragam hias, d) kelompok Melati, Tulip, Bougenvil, Lavender, dan kamboja mengolah informasi dan mempresentasikan hasil karya ragam hias. Pembelajaran Ragam hias dengan model Project Based Learning menunjukkan keberhasilan yang dibuktikan terbentuknya sikap peduli kepada lingkungan, gotong-royong, aktif dalam pembelajaran, berani bereksperimen, mampu mengatasi masalah, mampu membuat ragam hias dari kertas bekas sesuai tema, dan membuat pewarna alami oleh sebagian besar peserta didik. Adapun hambatan dalam pembelajaran yaitu sebagian kecil peserta didik kurang aktif mencari tahu sendiri materi, pemborosan bahan, penyelesaian proyek terlalu lama, dan ada beberapa karya tidak sesuai karakteristik ragam hias.
Kata Kunci : model Project Based Learning, pembelajaran ragam hias, Saintifik
This research attemps to identify and describe : (1) The implementation of Project Based Learning model and Scientific approach in the ragam hias instruction at eighth grade students of SMPN 7 Madiun in the 2014/2015 academic year ; (2) the strengths and weakness of the implementation of Project Based Learning model and Scientific approach in the ragam hias instruction at eighth grade students of SMPN 7 Madiun in the 2014/2015 academic year.
This is a case study with qualitative approach. The informan, place and event, document and archive were employed as the data sources. The purposive sampling was used as the sampling technique. The data were collected through interview, observation, and documentation. The data were validated through source triangulation and informan review, and then analyzed through flow model data analysis.
The findings indicate that the implementation of project based learning model and Scientific approach in the ragam hias instruction at eighth grade students of SMPN 7 Madiun had gone through some stages i.e : (a) The teacher determined the project theme, (b) the teacher and the students set up the procedure of completing the project of ragam hias production, (c) the project completion facilitated and monitored by presentation of the product of ragam hias, (e) the assessment of the product of ragam hias.
The Scientific approach stages implemented in the instruction were : (a) Most of the group observed the sample of ragam hias motif from books and internet, (b) the teacher and the students did a discussion concerning the definition, motif, technique , and way out of the obstruction in production process, (c) most of the students had compiled information of ragam hias material, (d) Melati, Tulip, Bougenvill, Lavender, and Kamboja group processed the information and presented the ragam hias work. The instruction of ragam hias with Project Based Learning model and Scientific approach worked well which is proven by the fact that the students more cared about the environment, they worked together, the were active in the learning process, dare to do experiment, can solve problems can make ragam hias from recycled paper based on the theme, and make natural dye. While the weaknesses in the instruction process were the passiveness of the students in finding out the material autonomously, wasting of the material, time consuming completion process, and there were found some works which were out of theme.
Key words : Project Based Learning model, ragam hias instruction, Scientific