This research focuses on the analysis of the translation of pun in the movie entitled Cloudy with Chance of Meatballs 2. The objectives of this research are to find out the types of puns, to find out the techniques applied by the translator in translating pun, and to find out the translation quality of pun translation in terms of accuracy and acceptability.
This research used descriptive qualitative method. The research method was applied through content analysis which was done by watching the movie, collecting the data by transcribing the English and Indonesian subtitle of the official movie Cloudy with Chance of Meatballs 2. The total data found from the subtitle were 39 puns. Then the questionnaires were collected and became the second data. Those steps were conducted to gain the score of accuracy and acceptability.
The result of this study shows that: 1) there are 3 types of puns found throughout the movie dialogue. They are paronymy, homonymy, and homophony. Paronymy puns are dominated types in the movie dialogue with 32 data or 82% of all 39 data. The next dominating pun is homonymy puns which amount 5 data or 13%. The least dominating pun is homophony puns which amount only 2 data or 5%. 2) The translator applied two techniques in translating the pun, they are pun rendered as non pun and pun rendered as zero pun. From 39 data, there are 31 data 79,5% are paronymy puns, 5 data or 13% are homonymy puns, 2 data or 5% are homophony puns that are translating using pun rendered as no pun technique. This technique is dominant technique in this movie dialogue. And only 1 datum or 2,5% is paronymy pun that translated using the technique pun rendered as zero pun. 3) Dealing with the accuracy of the translation, the results show that 38 translations or 97% are considered as less accurate and 1 translation or 3% is considered as inaccurate. Among the less accurate translations, 37 translations or 95% of them are resulted from pun rendered as non pun technique and 1 translation or 2,5% is resulted pun rendered as zero pun technique. Meanwhile, relating to the acceptability the result show 39 translations or all the translations are considered as less acceptable translation. Among the less acceptable translations, 38 translations or 97% of them are resulted from pun rendered as non pun technique and 1 translation or 3% is resulted pun rendered as zero pun. The analysis also showed that none of the translations is considered to be accurate and acceptable.
This research is intended to bring benefits for students, translators, and other researchers who are interested in observing the puns translation. This research can be used as a reference about the puns translation in the other movie dialogue.