This research is a descriptive qualitative study. It is focused on the translation techniques and quality of cosmetic terms in Oriflame Catalogue September 2013 published by Oriflame Indonesia and Oriflame India. The aims of this research are (1) to find out the translation techniques applied by the translator in translating the cosmetic terms, and (2) to explain how the techniques influence the translation quality in terms of accuracy and acceptability of cosmetic terms.
This research applied purposive sampling technique. The data were words and phrases especially noun phrases containing cosmetic terms in Oriflame Catalogue Sepember 2013. The total data of cosmetic terms were 61 numbers which belongs to the first data. The other data were taken from the result of questionnaire assessed by three raters.
The analysis of translation techniques shows that there are eight translation techniques employed by the translator in translating cosmetic terms. The techniques are: a) borrowing (5 data or 8,19%), b) transposition (3 data or 4,92%), c) reduction (1 data or 1,64%), d) amplification (1 data or 1,64%), e) established equivalence (11 data or 18,04%), f) couplets (20 data or 32,79%), g) triplets (15 data or 24,59%), and h) quadruplets (5 data or 8,19%).
The findings of the research shows that 51 data (83,61%) are accurate, 9 data (14,75%) are less accurate, and 1 data (1,64%) are inaccurate. The analysis on the acceptability level of translation shows that 43 data (70,49%) are counted as acceptable translation, 17 data (27,87%) are counted as less acceptable translation, and 1 data (1,64%) are counted as unacceptable translation.
The technique which produces high level of accuracy is couplets. This technique produces 17 accurate data (85%). Whereas, reduction is creating the most inaccurate data with 1 data (100%). Similar with the high level of accuracy, couplets becomes the most dominant technique which produces acceptable data. It creates 14 acceptable data (70%). While, the technique which belongs to low level of acceptability is reduction with 1 data (1,64%).