Penulis Utama : Priska Ratna Sari
NIM / NIP : K2311060

Penelitian dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui: (1) peningkatan aktivitas belajar siswa kelas X MIA 4 SMA Al Islam 1 Surakarta melalui penerapan model pembelajaran kooperatif teknik Two Stay Two Stray pada materi Suhu dan Kalor, (2) peningkatan kemampuan kognitif Fisika siswa kelas X MIA 4 SMA Al Islam 1 Surakarta melalui penerapan model pembelajaran kooperatif teknik Two Stay Two Stray pada materi Suhu dan Kalor.
Penelitian yang dilakukan merupakan Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (Classroom Action Research) dengan model Kemmis dan Mc. Taggart, serta model kolaboratif yang dilaksanakan dalam dua siklus. Setiap siklus diawali dengan tahap persiapan dan dilanjutkan dengan tahap pelaksanaan siklus yang terdiri atas perencanaan tindakan, pelaksanaan tindakan, observasi, dan refleksi. Subjek penelitian adalah siswa kelas X MIA 4 SMA Al Islam 1 Surakarta Tahun Ajaran 2014/2015 sebanyak 36 siswa. Data diperoleh melalui kajian dokumen,tes tertulis, observasi, kuesioner atau angket, dan wawancara. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah teknik analisis data deskriptif kualitatif.
Berdasarkan analisis data dan pembahasan dalam penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa: (1) ada peningkatan aktivitas belajar siswa kelas X MIA 4 SMA Al Islam 1 Surakarta melalui penerapan model pembelajaran kooperatif teknik Two Stay Two Stray pada materi Suhu dan Kalor. Peningkatan aktivitas belajar siswa dapat dilihat dari hasil analisis data pada Siklus I diperoleh 41,67 % berkriteria sangat baik, 50 % berkriteria baik dan 8,33 % berkriteria cukup baik, pada Siklus II meningkat menjadi 77,8 % berkriteria sangat baik dan 16,67 % berkriteria baik, dan dan 5,56 % berkriteria cukup baik. Berdasarkan hasil uji hipotesis menggunakan uji t satu ekor diperoleh nilai|t_hitung=5,5|>t_tabel=1,68957, sehingga H0 ditolak (Ha diterima), maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa nilai akhir aktivitas belajar siswa Siklus I tidak sama dengan nilai akhir aktivitas belajar Siklus II, dimana nilai rata-rata aktivitas belajar siswa pada Siklus II lebih tinggi daripada nilai rata-rata Siklus I. (2) ada peningkatan kemampuan kognitif Fisika siswa kelas X MIA 4 SMA Al Islam 1 Surakarta melalui penerapan model pembelajaran kooperatif teknik Two Stay Two Stray pada materi Suhu dan Kalor. Peningkatan kemampuan kognitif Fisika siswa dapat dilihat dari hasil analisis data pada Siklus I diperoleh ketuntasan 63,9 %, pada Siklus II meningkat menjadi 77,8 %. Berdasarkan hasil uji hipotesis menggunakan uji t satu ekor diperoleh nilai |t_hitung=1,92|>t_tabel=1,68957, sehingga H0 ditolak (Ha diterima), maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa nilai kognitif Fisika Siklus I tidak sama dengan nilai kognitif Fisika Siklus II, dimana nilai rata-rata Siklus II lebih tinggi daripada nilai rata-rata Siklus I.
Kata kunci: two stay two stray, aktivitas belajar, kemampuan kognitif Fisika, Suhu & Kalor
The research was conducted in order to determine: (1) the improvement of student’s learning activity on grade X MIA 4 SMA Al Islam 1 Surakarta through the implementation of cooperative learning model technique Two Stay Two Stray on subject matter Temperature and Heat, (2) the improvement of student’s Physical cognitive ability on grade X MIA 4 SMA Al Islam 1 Surakarta through the implementation of cooperative learning model technique Two Stay Two Stray on subject matter Temperature and Heat.
The research carried out an Classroom Action Research with a model of Kemmis and Mc. Taggart, as well as the collaborative model that was conducted in two cycles. Each cycle begins with the preparatory stage and proceeds with the implementation phase of the cycle consisting of action planning, action, observation, and reflection. The subjects of this research were students of grade X MIA 4 AL ISLAM 1st Senior High School Surakarta on Academic Year 2014/2015 as many as 36 students. Data obtained through document review, written tests, observation, questionnaire, and interviews. The data analysis technique which was used is descriptive qualitative data analysis techniques.
Based on data analysis and discussion in this research can be concluded that: (1) there is an improvement in student’s learning activity on grade X MIA 4 AL ISLAM 1st Senior High School Surakarta through the implementation of cooperative learning model technique Two Stay Two Stray on subject matter Temperature and Heat. The improvement of the percentage of students' learning activities can be seen from the data analysis in the first cycle had been obtained 41.67% in excellent criterion, 50% in good criterion, and 8.33% in pretty good criterion, in second cycle improve to 77.8% in excellent criterion, 16.67% in good criterion, and 5.56% in pretty good criterion. Based on the results of hypothesis testing using one-tailed t test values obtained |t_hitung=5,5|>t_tabel=1,68957, so H0 is rejected (Ha accepted), it can be concluded that the final value of student’s learning activities in Cycle I is not equal to the final value of student’s learning activities in Cycle II, where the average value of student’s learning activities in the second cycle is higher than the average value of student’s learning activities in the first cycle. (2) There is an improvement in student’s cognitive ability on grade X MIA 4 AL ISLAM 1st Senior High School Surakarta through the implementation of cooperative learning model technique Two Stay Two Stray on subject matter Temperature and Heat. The improvement of the percentage of students' cognitive abilities can be seen from the data analysis in the first cycle had been obtained mastery learning 63.9% improve to 77.8% in the second cycle. Based on the results of hypothesis testing using one-tailed t test values obtained |t_hitung=1,92|>t_tabel=1,68957, so H0 is rejected (Ha accepted), it can be concluded that the value of cognitive in Cycle I is not equal to the value of cognitive in Cycle II, where the average value in Cycle II is higher than the average value in Cycle I.
Keywords: two stay two stray, student’s learning activities, physical cognitive abilities, Temperature and Heat

Penulis Utama : Priska Ratna Sari
Penulis Tambahan : -
NIM / NIP : K2311060
Tahun : 2015
Judul : Penerapan Model Two Stay Two Stray untuk Meningkatkan Aktivitas Belajar dan Kognitif Fisika Siswa Kelas X MIA 4 SMA Al Islam 1 Surakarta Materi Suhu dan Kalor
Edisi :
Imprint : Surakarta - FKIP - 2015
Program Studi : S-1 Pendidikan Fisika
Kolasi :
Sumber : UNS-FKIP Jur. Pendidikan Fisika-K2311060-2015
Kata Kunci :
Jenis Dokumen : Skripsi
Link DOI / Jurnal : -
Status : Public
Pembimbing : 1. Drs. Jamzuri, M.Pd.
2. Drs. Surantoro, M.Si.
Penguji :
Catatan Umum :
Fakultas : Fak. KIP
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