The objectives of this research are to describe: 1) Teachers’ perception of their competence in operating tools and system in language laboratory; 2)Teachers’ perception of the teachers’ roles in language laboratory;3) Teachers’ perceptionof the problems occured in language laboratory operation and the attempts to solve them;4) Teachers’ perception ofthe roles of students in language laboratory;and 5) Teachers’ perception of how students motivation in learning English using language laboratory.
This case studyis conducted in SMPN 4 Pati, Central Java.The subject of the study is English teachers at SMPN 4 Pati in the Academic Year of 2014/2015. The type of this research is qualitative research.This research uses three kinds of methods to collect the data, which include depth-interview, observation, and documentation. The data are analyzed through four stages: data collection, data reduction, presentation, and conclusion.
The analysis isrelated to teacher’s perception of teacher roles in English language laboratoryat SMPN 4 Pati. The result of analysis presents: 1) The English teachers describe their perception of teacher roles in English language laboratory in terms of teachers’ competence is that in their profession, professional teachers shouldrecognize lesson plan, conduct a quality teaching and learning process, and evaluate students learning.2)The English teachers describe their perception of teacher roles in English language laboratory is that most of the English teachers organize teaching and learning activities that can motivate the students to be actively involved in the process of teaching and learning by creating activities which bring about fun and cooperative of learning. 3) The English teachers describe their perception of teacher in English language laboratory in terms of the problems occured is that athough in general the English teachers can be regarded as professional teachers, there are some aspects which still need improvement.4) The English teachers describe their perception of the roles of students in language laboratoryare advance organizer, presentation, conversation practice, role play, comprehension, answer and question and reading aloud.5) The English teachers describe their perception in terms of students’ motivation for being active, responsive, and risk-taking.
In conclusion, this research implies that the English teachers at SMP Negeri 4 Pati teacher A and Bhas good perception in teacher roles in language laboratory because they definitely competent and understand about teaching learning in language laboratory. The teacher also competent to solve the problem occurred and motivated the student. Meanwhile, Student responds positively on language laboratory implemented by the teacher.
Keywords:perception, language laboratory, case study