Penulis Utama : Rina Herlina
NIM / NIP : S891402044

This research aims at investigating (1) teachers’ perception on scaffolding
used in teaching speaking; (2) Teacher’s way in implementing scaffolding in
teaching speaking; (3) types of scaffolding used in teaching speaking, and
(4)students’ responses on scaffolding used by the teacher in teaching speaking.
This qualitative research was carried out from January to May 2015. There
are one English teacher (LH) and fifteen students of class 1C (Sc) as participants
in this study.The data are obtained from the interview with LH and the
observation which answer the first, second and third research question. Next data
are obtained from the questionnaire that answers the fourth research question. The
questionnaire itself consists of 20 items comprising 20 statements about LH’s way
in implementing scaffolding.
The findings of the study reveal that LH’s perception on scaffolding is
very good because teacher LH, who uses scaffolding in this study, has good
comprehension about scaffolding and she implements it in teaching speaking. In
addition, teacher LH implements scaffolding started from pre-activity, whilstactivity
and post-activity and the way teacher LH implements scaffolding creates
the students’ comfort in learning speaking. Teacher LH also has wider sight about
different kinds of scaffolding and she is very competent of selecting the
appropriate one to be applied in teaching speaking. From the perspective of Sc’s
responses, it can be found that Sclike and agree with scaffolding used by teacher
LH in teaching speaking.
This research implies that teacher LH has good perception on scaffolding
because she definitely understands scaffolding and she is competent to apply it in
such a way in teaching speaking. Teacher LH is also competent to classify and use
different scaffolding for Sc. Meanwhile, Sc respond positively on scaffolding
implemented by teacher LH.
Keywords: scaffolding, teaching speaking, LH’s perception, Sc’s responses