Penulis Utama : Firna Irnistisia
NIM / NIP : S851402017

Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh model pembelajaran terhadap prestasi belajar matematika ditinjau dari sikap siswa terhadap matematika. Model pembelajaran yang dibandingkan adalah model PBL, model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe MMP, dan model pembelajaran langsung.
Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian ekperimental semu dengan populasi siswa kelas VII SMP di Kabupaten Belitung tahun pelajaran 2014/2015. Pengambilan sampel menggunakan stratified cluster random sampling. Diperoleh sampel berjumlah 285 siswa dengan rincian 95 siswa dikelas eksperimen 1, 96 siswa dikelas eksperimen 2, dan 94 siswa di kelas kontrol. Instrumen penelitian ini adalah tes prestasi belajar matematika dan angket sikap siswa terhadap matematika. Pengujian hipotesis menggunakan analisis variansi dua jalan dengan sel tak sama.
Berdasarkan hasil pengujian hipotesis, diperoleh simpulan sebagai berikut. (1) Model PBL menghasilkan prestasi lebih baik daripada model pembelajaran MMP maupun model pembelajaran langsung. Model pembelajaran MMP menghasilkan prestasi lebih baik daripada dengan model pembelajaran langsung. (2) Siswa dengan sikap tinggi terhadap matematika mempunyai prestasi lebih baik daripada siswa dengan sikap sedang terhadap matematika. Siswa dengan sikap sikap sedang terhadap matematika mempunyai prestasi lebih baik daripada siswa dengan sikap  rendah terhadap matematika. (3a) Pada model pembelajaran PBL, siswa dengan sikap tinggi terhadap matematika mempunyai prestasi yang sama baiknya dengan sikap sedang terhadap matematika. Siswa dengan sikap tinggi terhadap matematika mempunyai prestasi belajar yang lebih baik daripada sikap rendah terhadap matematika. Siswa dengan sikap sedang terhadap matematika mempunyai prestasi belajar yang sama baiknya dengan sikap rendah terhadap matematika. (3b) Pada model pembelajaran MMP, siswa dengan sikap tinggi terhadap matematika mempunyai prestasi yang sama baiknya dengan sikap sedang terhadap matematika. Siswa dengan sikap tinggi terhadap matematika mempunyai prestasi belajar yang lebih baik daripada sikap rendah terhadap matematika. Siswa dengan sikap sedang terhadap matematika mempunyai prestasi belajar yang sama baiknya dengan sikap rendah terhadap matematika. (3c) Pada model pembelajaran langsung, siswa dengan sikap tinggi, sedang dan rendah terhadap matematika menghasilkan prestasi belajar matematika yang sama baiknya. (4a) Pada sikap tinggi terhadap matematika, model PBL menghasilkan prestasi belajar yang sama baiknya dengan model pembelajaran MMP, model PBL menghasilkan prestasi belajar lebih baik daripada model pembelajaran langsung dan model pembelajaran MMP menghasilkan prestasi yang lebih baik daripada model pembelajaran langsung. (4b) Pada sikap sedang terhadap matematika, siswa yang dikenai model PBL, model pembelajaran MMP dan model pembelajaran langsung mempunyai prestasi yang sama baiknya. (4c) Pada sikap rendah terhadap matematika, siswa yang dikenai model PBL, MMP dan langsung mempunyai prestasi yang sama baiknya.
Kata kunci: PBL, MMP, Sikap Siswa Terhadap Matematika
The objective of this research was to know the effect of the learning models on the learning achievement in Mathematics viewed from attitude students toward Mathematics. The learning models compared were the cooperative  learning model of  the PBL type, the cooperative Learning Model of the MMP type, and the direct learning model.
This research used the quasi experimental research. Its population was all of the students in Grade VII of State Junior Secondary Schools of Belitung regency in Academic Year 2014/2015. The samples of the research were taken by using the stratified cluster random sampling technique and consisted of 285 students. They were grouped into three classes, namely: 95 students in experimental class 1, 96 students in experimental class 2, and 94 students in control class. The instruments to gather the data were test of achievement in mathematics on the learning and the students attitude toward mathematics questionnaire. The proposed hypotheses of the  research were analyzed by using the two way analysis of variance with unbalanced cells.
The results of the research were as follows. 1) The cooperative model of PBL results in a better learning achievement in Mathematics than the model MMP and the direct  learning model, the model of the MMP results in a better learning achievement in mathematics than the direct learning model. 2) The students with the high attitude students toward mathematics have a better learning achievement in mathematics than those with the moderate attitude students toward mathematics and those with the low attitude students toward Mathematics, the students with  the moderate attitude students toward Mathematics have a better learning achievement in Mathematics than those with the low attitude students toward Mathematics. (3a) In the cooperative model of the PBL type, the students with the high attitude students toward mathematics have the same learning achievement in mathematics as those with the moderate attitude; the students with the high attitude students toward mathematics have a better learning achievement in mathematics as those with the low attitude students toward mathematics; the students with the moderate attitude student towards mathematics have a better learning in mathematics as those with the low attitude. (3b) In the cooperative learning model of the MMP type, the students with the high attitude students toward mathematics have the same learning achievement in mathematics as those with the moderate attitude; the students with the high attitude students toward mathematics have a better learning achievement in mathematics as those with the low attitude students toward mathematics; the students with the moderate attitude student towards mathematics have a better learning in mathematics as those with the low attitude, (3c) In the direct learning model, the students with the high, moderate, and low attitude students toward mathematics have the same learning achievement in mathematics. (4a) In the  students with the high attitude students toward mathematics, the cooperative model of the  PBL type and the cooperative learning model of the MMP type have the same learning achievement in Mathematics; the cooperative model of the PBL type have a better learning achievement as those with the direct learning model; the cooperative learning model of the MMP type have a better learning achievement as those with the direct learning model (4b) In the students with the moderate attitude students toward Mathematics, the cooperative model of the  PBL type, the cooperative learning model of the MMP type, and direct learning model result in the same learning achievement; (4c) In the students with the low attitude students toward Mathematics, the cooperative learning model of PBL type, the cooperative learning  model of the MMP type, and the direct learning model result in the same learning achievement in Mathematics.
Keywords: PBL, MMP, students attitude toward mathematics.

Penulis Utama : Firna Irnistisia
Penulis Tambahan : -
NIM / NIP : S851402017
Tahun : 2015
Judul : Eksperimentasi Model Problem Based Learning (PBL) dan Model Pembelajaran Missouri Mathematics Project (MMP) Ditinjau dari Sikap Siswa terhadap Matematika pada Materi Persamaan dan Pertidaksamaan Linear Satu Variabel Kelas VII SMP Negeri Se-Kabupaten Belitung Tahun Pelajaran 2014/2015
Edisi :
Imprint : Surakarta - Pascasarjana - 2015
Program Studi : S-2 Pendidikan Matematika
Kolasi :
Sumber : UNS-Pascasarjana Prodi. Pendidikan Matematika-S851402017-2015
Kata Kunci :
Jenis Dokumen : Tesis
Link DOI / Jurnal : -
Status : Public
Pembimbing : 1. Prof. Drs. Tri Atmojo K., M.Sc, Ph.D.
2. Dr. Riyadi, M.Si.
Penguji :
Catatan Umum :
Fakultas : Sekolah Pascasarjana
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