Hartati Widiastuti. Improving Students’ Speaking Ability Using Community Language Learning (A Classroom Action Research at the Fourth Semester of PGSD FKIP UMS in the Academic Year of 2011/2012). Thesis. Dr. Ngadiso, M.Pd., Dr. Abdul Asib, M.Pd. English Education Department. Graduate Program. Faculty of Teacher Training and Education. Sebelas Maret University. Surakarta.
The objectives of this research were to describe whether the Community Language Learning method could improve students’ speaking ability and to identify the strengths and weaknesses when this method was applied to improve the students’ speaking ability. The subject of the research was the fourth semester students of PGSD FKIP UMS in the 2011/2012 academic year. The procedures of the research consisted of planning, action, observation, and reflection. In collecting data, questionnaire, interview, and test were used. To analyze the quantitative data, a descriptive statistics was applied. It was used to compare the mean scores of the pre-test, the first test, and the second test. The pre-test was conducted in the pre-research while the first test and the second test were conducted after the end of cycle one and cycle two. To analyze the qualitative data, Constant Comparative Method was used to analyze the data of questionnaire and interview. The result of the tests showed that the Community Language Learning method could improve the speaking ability, namely: pronunciation, fluency, vocabulary, grammar, and content. The improvement could be found by comparing the average scores of the Pre-test and Tests in cycle one and two. The average scores of the Pre-test was 42.85, the first test was 50.6215, and the second test was 61.207. The results of questionnaire and interview showed the strengths and the weaknesses of applying the Community Language Learning. The conclusion of the research was that by implementing the Community Language Learning method the students’ speaking ability was improved. There were also some strengths and weaknesses of applying this method. It was recommended that the English teachers and students apply this method in the teaching learning process.
Key words: Speaking ability, Community Language Learning, CAR.