The purposes of this research are (1) to determine whether the English Textbook of “When English Rings the Bell” for seventh grade Junior High School has applied the scientific approach of 2013Curriculum and (2) to determine to what extent the English Textbook of “When English Rings the Bell” for seventh grade Junior High School has applied the scientific approach based on the 2013 Curriculum
The research design used is descriptive qualitative research. The writer uses document in the form of textbook of “When English Rings the Bell” as the data collection. The technique of analyzing data is using the theory suggested by Elliot and Timulakthat consists of: (1) data preparation, (2) delineating and processing meaning units, (3) finding an overall organizing structure for the data, (4) genera-tion of categories, and (5) abstracting the main findings. The analysisresearch fin-dingbased on the compatibility of scientific approach step of 2013 Curriculum that includes of: (1) observing, (2) questioning, (3) associating, (4) experimenting, and (5) communicating.
The findings of the research are the compatibility of the materials provided in the textbook with the scientific approach of 2013 Curriculum. The compatibility of scientific approach developed in the textbook of “When English Rings the Bell” is 70%. The detail is Chapter I and Chapter II get 80 %, Chapter IV achieves 40 %, and Chapter V gains 80 %. Based on the interval percentage suggested by SuharsimiArikunto (1996: 244), the textbook gets the “Good” level. It summarizes that the textbook has applied the scientific approach.
Keywords:scientific approach, content analysis, descriptive qualitative, 2013 Curriculum, When English Rings the Bell.