Penulis Utama : Subagyo Sukiman

This research is to expose the mechanism of molecular pathobiology in germinal cells by ELF magnetic field exposure with 100-120mT. The research was done experimentally with male mice BALB/c which were given Extremely Low Frequency magnetic field with 100-120 mT intensity intermittently eight-hour a day for seven weeks and fourteen weeks. The examination of cytoplasm calcium expression, calmodulin expression, cAMP expression in germinal cells with immuno- histochemistry method and observation using microscope with 400 times magnification light.

The result ot the research shows the magnetic field exposure has influence in the increase of cytoplasm calcium expression followed with the of acrosin expression in germinal

cells. This is reflected by significant increase of calcium expression (p<0,050) and followed with the decrease of acrosin expression in seven-week as well as fourteen-week groups. While cytoplasm calcium expression in fourteen-week group is significantly higher (p<0,050) than seven week group ; but acrosin expression in seven-week and fourteen-week groups don’t differ significantly (p>0,050). The 100-120mT ELF magnetic field exposure doesn’t influence calmodulin and cAMP expression have no significant different (p>0,050).

Based o n this research, we conclude the mechanism of acrosin expression decreases in BALB/c mice germinal cells after being exposured with 100-120 mT intensity ELF magnetic field has a correlation with the increase of cytoplasm calcium expression. This condition is the manifestation of deterioration of germinal cells function in synthesizing protein. The decrease of acrosin expression is perhaps o ne factor which plays a role in men’s interfility.


Key words: Extermely Low frequency magnetic field, cytoplasm calcium expression, calmodulin expression, cAMP expression and acrosin expresion.