Penelitian tindakan kelas ini bertujuan untuk Mendeskripsikan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipeTeams Game Tournament (TGT)yang dapat meningkatkan kemandirian belajar matematikapada siswa kelas VIII SMP Widya Wacana 2 Surakarta dan mengetahui peningkatan kemandirian belajar matematika siswa kelas VIII SMP Widya Wacana 2 Surakarta setelah mengikuti model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe TGT.
Data yang dikumpulkan pada penelitian ini adalah data kemandirian belajar matematika siswa. Data kemandirian belajar matematika siswa diperoleh dari hasil observasi di setiap pertemuan dan hasil angket yang diberikan ke siswa di setiap akhir siklus. Indikator keberhasilan penelitian ini adalah setidaknya 75% siswa termasuk kategori tinggi dalam kemandirian belajar matematika yakni diatas 75% menurut hasil observasi dan angket.
Hasil penelitian meyimpulkan bahwa pelaksanaan pembelajaran dengan penerapan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe TGT yang dapat meningkatkan kemandirian belajar matematika siswa adalah: 1) Kegiatan awal, yaitu: a) Guru membuka pelajaran dan mengajak siswa berdoa b) Guru menyampaikan tujuan pembelajaran. c) Guru memberi motivasi mengenai kegunaan materi ataupun soal tantangan dari materi yang dipelajari d) Guru meminta siswa mengingat materi yang mendukung pembelajaran e) Guru memberikan penjelaskan mengenai teknis pelaksanaan model TGT. 2) Kegiatan Inti: a) Guru menyampaikan materi pelajaran secara umum. b) Guru membagi siswa ke dalam kelompok yang heterogen. c) Guru meminta setiap kelompok mendiskusikan lembar kerja. d) Guru memantau kegiatan diskusi terus-menerus. e) Guru meminta seluruh kelompok untuk bergiliran presentasi. f) Guru meminta kelompok lain menanggapi atau bertanya. g) Guru mempersiapkan kelengkapan game dan tournament di setiap meja tournament. h) Guru mengelompokkan siswa secara homogen dari masing-masing kelompok di meja tournament i) Guru memantau jalannya game di masing-masing meja. j) Guru meminta pergeseran meja tournament ketika 1 set game selesai. k) Guru merekap hasil tournament untuk keperluan rekognisi tim 3) Penutup: a) Guru bersama-sama dengan siswa membuat simpulan. b) Guru memberikan kesempatan siswa untuk mencatat dan bertanya. c) Guru memberikan kuis kepada siswa.d) Guru memberi umpan balik berdasar hasil kuis. e) Guru memberikan pekerjaan rumah atau tugas untuk siswa. f) Guru memberikan penghargaan kelompok sesuai hasil tournament. g) Guru memberikan informasi mengenai materi pertemuan selanjutnya. h) Guru menutup pelajaran. Berdasarkan hasil angket siklus II, jika dibandingkan dengan kemandirian belajar matematika sebelum tindakan diperoleh bahwa persentase siswa yang termasuk kategori tinggi pada indikator Personal Atributtesmeningkat sebesar 57,27% menjadi 77,27%. Untuk indikator Processes meningkat 36,36% menjadi 86,36%. Untuk indikator Learning Contextmeningkat 71,36% menjadi 86,36%. Sedangkan hasil observasi siklus II, jika dibandingkan dengan kemandirian belajar matematika sebelum tindakan diperoleh bahwa persentase siswa yang termasuk kategori tinggi pada indikator Personal Atributtes meningkat sebesar 66,36% menjadi 86,36%. Untuk indikator Processes meningkat 42,27% menjadi 77,27%. Untuk indikator Learning Context77,27%.
Kata kunci: Teams Game Tournament (TGT), kemandirian belajar matematika
This classroom action research was aimed to describe the cooperative learning model type Teams Games Tournament (TGT) which could improve self-directed learning mathematics in class VIII SMP Widya Wacana 2 Surakarta and know whether the increase self-directed learning mathematics of students in class VIII SMP Widya Wacana 2 Surakarta after following learning model TGT.
The data collected in this research were data self-directed learning mathematics. The data ofself-directed learning mathematics of students got from observations at each meeting and the results of questionnaires that given to students at the end of each cycle. Indicators of the success of this research is at least 75% of students were high in self-directed learning mathematics that is above 75% according to the results of observation and questionnaires.
The results of the research concludes that the step of the implementation of cooperative learning model type TGT that can enhance self-directed learning mathematics are: 1) Opening activities, they are: a) The teacher opened a lesson and invite students to pray b) The teacher tell the aim of study. c) The teacher gives motivation about the usefulness of the materials or about the challenges of the material being studied d) The teacher asks the students remember the material that supports learning or give apperception e) The teacher explain the technical implementation of TGT model. 2) Main activities: a) The teacher tell the material generally. b) The teacher divides the students into heterogeneous groups. c) The teacher asks each group discuss the worksheet. d) Teachers monitor the discussions continuously. e) The teacher asks every group to take turns presenting. f) The teacher asks the other groups respond or ask g) The teacher prepares completeness game and tournament in each tournament table. h) Teachers group students homogeneously from each group in the tournament table i) Teachers monitor the course of the game in each table. j) The teacher asks a shift in the tournament table when one set of games is completed. k) Teachers recap the tournament results for team recognition 3) Closing activities: a) The teacher with the students make the conclusions. b) Teacher give students the opportunity to take notes and ask questions. c) The teacher gives a quiz to students. d) The teacher gave feedback based on the quiz results. e) The teacher gives homework or assignments for students. f) Teachers give awards groups according to the results of the tournament. g) The teacher provides information about the next meeting material generally. h) The teacher close the lesson. Based on the results of questionnaires in the second cycle, when compared with self-directed learning mathematics before action found that the percentage of students who were high category on Personal Atributtes indicator increased by 57.27% to 77.27%. Processes indicator increased by 36.36% to 86.36%. Learning Context indicator increased by 71.36% to 86.36%. While from the result of observation in the second cycle, when compared with self-directed learning mathematics before action found that the percentage of students who were high category on Personal Atributtes indicator increased by 66.36% to 86.36%. Processes for the indicator increased by 42.27% to 77.27%. Learning Context indicator 77.27%.
Keywords: Teams Games Tournament (TGT), self-directed learning mathematics